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The stimulation device seems to be more attractive to males. Metabolic syndrome and overweight are highly prevalent among migraineurs and the weight-loss was suggested as a useful strategy to improve both migraine and metabolic syndrome. The Mineola School District was also attacked by the same virus. The platform allows us to setup and deliver simulated security windoww and phishing incidents to educate and test employees.❿
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Pain and emotion: a biopsychological review of recent research. J Clin Psychol ; 67 9 : Attachment styles in children affected by migraine without aura. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. Behavioural problems in children with headache and maternal stress: is children’s attachment security a protective factor? Dev ; DOI: The role of attachment insecurity in the emergence of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents with migraine: an empirical study.
J Headache Pain In Press. Metabolic syndrome and overweight are highly prevalent among migraineurs and the weight-loss was suggested as a useful strategy to improve both migraine and metabolic syndrome. Recently, we have observed that a particular version of VLCD characterized by very low-carbohydrate intake and Ketone bodies KBs production, named very low-calorie ketogenic diet VLCKD , was able to induce a rapid improvement of headache in migraineurs. To assess if the favorable outcome on migraine was due to the caloric restriction, instead of KBs, we performed a double blind crossover study to compare headache modifications during a VLCD and a VLCKD in a population of overweighed and obese migraineurs.
Among patients referred to the Sapienza University Obesity Clinic, a neurologist specializing in headache recruited 35 migraineurs. To verify variations in headache frequency, we used as baseline the month before the first VLCD and the first transition diet. Headaches are one of the most disabling disorders [1]. Moreover, recent knowledge have suggested that physical examination for provocative procedures should be done on each patient with side- locked headaches as many of these headaches may closely mimic primary headaches [4].
There have been identified eleven physical tests to properly assess cervical disorders. When these dysfunctions are present, they support a reciprocal interaction between the trigeminal and the cervical systems as a trait symptom in migraine [6, 7].
In this presentation, an evidence based physical protocol of specific tests it will be provided by a physiotherapist to assess musculoskeletal disorders in the most common primary headaches as Migraine and Tension Type Headache. Moreover, the integration of this examination in a multidisciplinary team it will be discussed. Stovner LJ. Migraine prophylaxis with drugs influencing the renin- angiotensin system. Eur J Neurol.
Prevalence of neck pain in migraine and tension-type headache: a population study. Temporomandibular disorders is more prevalent among patients with primary headaches in a tertiary outpatient clinic. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. Prakash S, Rathore C. Side-locked headache: an algorithm based approach. The Journal of Headache and Pain ; doi International consensus on the most useful physical examination tests used by physiotherapists for patients with headache: A Delphi study.
Man Ther. Musculoskeletal dysfunction in migraine patients. The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition beta version Jul;33 9 Headache represents the most common neurological symptom in pediatric age. Among the primary headaches, migraine is far more prevalent than tension-type headache and cluster headache. Though extremely rare at this age, also trigeminal autonomic cephalgias have been reported. The most frequent causes of pediatric secondary headaches are represented by respiratory tract infections, while potentially life-threatening diseases, such as brain tumors, are less common.
However, especially in the emergency setting, the possibility that a headache attack is due to a brain tumor must be always considered. To avoid missing these cases, some headache characteristics red flags have been identified [1].
However, while the most recent ICHD criteria improved the possibility to classify some patients, such as children with migraine with aura [2], they turned out to be unsuitable for others, such as young patients with primary headache. Several studies have shown the primary role played by psychological factors in determining the severity of migraine in children [4].
Therefore, a psychological examination is often mandatory, as part of the initial assessment of the patient. Lastly, when assessing a child with primary headache, possible comorbidities should be never forgotten, since addressing them can represent a crucial point for the treatment [5].
Headache as an emergency in children and adolescents. Curr Pain Headache Rep ; Cephalalgia, submitted. Diagnosis of primary headache in children younger than 6 years: A clinical challenge. Cephalalgia ; Chronic Migraine in Children and Adolescents. Headache and comorbidities in childhood and adolescence.
Springer, Whether medication-overuse headache MOH represents a distinct biological entity within the concept of chronic daily headache with specific neurobiological and genetic background is still a matter of debate.
A great deal of interest has been directed at understanding the neurophysiological mechanisms that underlie MOH pathogenesis. Currently, two main, non-mutually exclusive hypotheses have been proposed. The first, stems from the apparent compulsive use of headache medications by MOH patients, and considers this disorder a sort of addiction to symptomatic remedies. The second shifts the focus from drug addiction to neural sensitization, claiming that triptan overuse triggers adaptations of the trigeminovascular system, thereby facilitating pain transmission and leading to a state of latent sensitization.
Answering these questions might be relevant to better understand the neurochemical mechanisms prompted by acute headache medications that underlie the pathophysiology of MOH and of chronic headache in general.
In this presentation, preclinical data will be presented showing that chronic exposure to eletriptan or indomethacin alter trigeminal ganglion gene expression patterns broadly and to a similar extend. Remarkably, qualitative transcriptomic analysis reveals that prolonged exposure to the two different symptomatic drugs triggers almost identical, increased expression of various genes coding for proteins involved in headache pathogenesis such as neuropeptides, their cognate receptors, TRP channels, prostanoid and NO synthesizing enzymes.
These findings will be correlated with the clinical aspects of MOH. The dramatic caloric restriction promotes the fat metabolism, mimicking the starvation, even if meals replacements ad hoc developed accounts for essential nutrients, avoiding the malnutrition. Because of the extreme caloric restriction, this type of diet is very effective in weight loss, however, that characteristic also is the main limit of VLCD, since it is possible to follow this kind of dietetic regimen for a very limited period usually weeks.
Salads are allowed ad libitum dressed with a spoonful of olive oil. Also in this kind of diet, there are meals per day, mainly consisting in meal replacement products. There is a growing interest in the ketogenic form of the VLCD because several studies have shown a higher compliance of patients with this diet. The reason of this higher adherence to the diet is still under scrutiny but several reasons are called in cause: an appetite suppression induced by proteins and maybe by ketone bodies KBs , or a modification in hormone secretion insulin, glucagon, ghrelin, adipokines.
The real impact of ketogenic diets in weight loss is still disputed; in fact, on the long period there are not differences between low-carb and low-fat diets in terms of weight reduction and regain of lost weight after the diet.
However, thanks to the higher compliance and the drastic caloric restriction, the VLCKDs seem to be a promising approach in the early management of obesity and in the preparation phase for patients that must undergo to bariatric or other types of surgical procedures.
Temporomandibular disorders TMD represent the main cause of orofacial pain of non-dental origin and comprehend several disturbances of the masticatory system characterized by myofascial pain of masticatory muscles or articular pain localized in the pre-auricular area. Moreover, TMD patients show temporomandibular joint sounds and deviation or limitation of the opening of the mouth. Myofascial pain is a probable consequence of central nervous system mechanisms of convergence and activation of second order neurons with enlargement of the receptive field, reduced pain threshold and allodinia.
Often there are accompanying symptoms like facial pain and headaches. Headache is the most prevalent neurologic disorder, third most diffused health disturbance and the seventh cause of disability in the world. It can be primary, without apparent organic cause, or secondary to other pathologies. Some epidemiological studies indicates that headache is more prevalent in TMD patients and TMD is more prevalent in subjects affected by headache. A stronger association exists between TMD and chronic migraine in comparison with other types of headache.
Nevertheless the methodological quality of the available studies is not optimal and many of them classify patients with anamnestic questionnaire that tend to overestimate the values of prevalence. A growing body of literature suggests that the association between headache and TMD may be a manifestation of a central sensitization mechanism.
Temporomandibular joint and muscles receive the sensitive innervation of the trigeminal nerve that supply also the cranial vascular structures likely involved in the etiology of the headache. The sensitization of the trigeminal caudate nucleus by the TMD symptoms can favor the triggering of migraine episode. Beside the epidemiological studies and the neurophysiologic hypothesis, there are some initial clinical evidence that show how severity of TMD symptoms parallels an increase of frequency and intensity of migraine and the simultaneous treatment of both conditions results in better outcomes.
From a clinical perspective, a comprehensive assessment based on a biopsychosocial approach can provide relevant information to plan a contemporaneous treatment of TMD and headache, together with an intervention targeted to the reduction of psychosocial conditions that can elicit and maintain mechanisms of central sensitization likely responsible of the comorbidity of TMD and headache.
The exact pathophysiology is still unknown, but evidence supporting both peripheral and central mechanisms i. In fact, the frequency of headache attacks has found to be related to the level of central sensitization [4].
However, not all TTH patients present with the same level of central sensitization and clinical presentation, but subgroups need to be identified in order to offer specific therapeutic programs [5]. Prolonged peripheral nociceptive input from the pericranial, neck, and shoulder regions e. In fact, it has been found that sustained stimulation of TrPs may induce central sensitization in healthy participants [7]. The number of TrPs seems to be associated with the degree of widespread pressure pain hypersensitivity in TTH patients, supporting the role of TrPs on central sensitization: however the cross-sectional nature of the study does not allow to establish a cause and effect relationship between TrPs and central sensitization, as other variables may influence this association [9].
Physical therapy may be helpful for the management of TTH patients [10,11], as it may decrese the peripheral nociceptive input. The global burden of headache: a documentation of headache prevalence and disability worldwide. Cephalalgia ;— Tension type headache. Curr Rheumatol Rev ; — Pressure pain thresholds assessed over temporalis, masseter, and frontalis muscles in healthy individuals, patients with tension- type headache, and those with migraine: A systematic review.
Pain ; — Frequency of headache is related to sensitization: a population study. Pain ; Identification of subgroups of patients with tension type headache with higher widespread pressure pain hyperalgesia. J Headache Pain ; 18 1 The role of muscles in tension-type headache. Curr Pain Headache Rep. Sustained nociceptive mechanical stimulation of latent myofascial trigger point induces central sensitization in healthy subjects. J Pain. Myofascial trigger points and sensitization: An updated pain model for tension-type headache.
Trigger Points are associated with widespread pressure pain sensitivity in people with tension-type headache. Cephalalgia [Epub ahead of print]. Muscle trigger point therapy in tension-type headache. Expert Rev Neurother ; 12 3 Effectiveneess of physical therapy in patients with tension-type headache: literature review.
J Jpn Phys Ther Assoc ; 17 1 Migraine is related to the highest disability among headaches. Great efforts are faced to improve the outcome of forthcoming treatments. However, still now, many patients regard as unsatisfactory the low responder rate about the half of patients and adverse effects that current treatments account. Therefore, waiting for innovative, more tolerated and effective treatments, there is a large request for non-pharmacological approaches that in many cases have specific pathophysiological targets.
Among these treatments, nutraceuticals has a leading role. Several nutraceutical products are proposed for migraine and sold around the world, but researchers adequately study only few compounds.
Among studied nutraceuticals compounds, only few of them have studies of good quality in support. Moreover, also interactions among different molecules are not studied.
We have reviewed literature data in order to find researches that support the use of nutraceutical molecules in migraine management. Available good quality data support the use of certain nutraceuticals, in particular riboflavin, coenzyme Q10, magnesium, butterbur, feverfew, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Even if not supported by double blind studies, recently some prospective observational studies about fixed combination of nutraceuticals were performed.
For instance, it is the case of a combination of coenzyme Q10, feverfew and magnesium for migraine prophylaxis: a prospective observational study. A double blind versus placebo study about the effect of a fixed combination of riboflavin, coenzyme Q10, feverfew, andrographis and magnesium for migraine prophylaxis is currently in progress.
Usually patients appreciate nutraceuticals more than traditional drugs, since they are regarded as safe and of efficacy not inferior to other pharmacological products. Available data seem to support this widespread belief, but some concerns about the regulation of nutraceuticals and quality of some products, still remain. Contrary to what is generally thought of, headaches and algology pain therapy share many aspects. Headaches and chronic non-oncological pain are two paradigms of chronic illness capable of generating enormous individual and social impact by disabling the sick person not only in the biological, but also in the psychological, professional, social and relational spheres.
Both cause alterations in psychological equilibrium, secondary depression, loss of social and professional roles, which, in the most serious cases, can cause loss of work. Literature documents in both cases, headaches and chronic pain, a rise in direct costs but above all of the indirect ones with a huge burden of disease.
Both are capable of generating a marked drop in the quality of life associated with a serious bio-psycho-social disability. Headaches and chronic pain, although distinct according to a topographical criterion, share many mechanisms and physiopathogenetic steps. One of the most current fields in which neurologists and pain therapists converge is the focus on neuroinflammation [3] and central sensitization[4], two key mechanism for triggering, maintaining, and subsequent perpetuation of pain: the pain as a symptom, filogenetically responsible for maintaining homeostasis of the organism against actual or potential damage, becomes unnecessary illness without any protective meaning.
Another important shared pathogenetic passage is that of neuroimmune mechanisms, which interlink the immune system with the central nervous system[4]. Furthermore, numerous contribution to the scientific international literature highlight the need to modify the therapeutic approach, directing it towards a semeiotic criterion pain phenothype: specific sign and symptoms of a certain type of pain in a specific moment , which is an epiphenomenon of underlyng pathogenetic mechanism, instead of basing it on a etiologic criterion[5].
This would enable a more appropriate prescription and greater efficiency, taking into primary consideration the possibility of getting back to everyday life rather than obtaining complete analgesia. All the above mentioned aspects are equally important but one of them can prevail over the others depending on patient characteristics and background. In conclusion it can be stated that the aspects of sharing between headaches and chronic non-oncological pain are significantly greater than those that clearly divide them.
World Health Organization. International classification of functioning, disability and health ICF. Geneva, World Health Organization, Steiner T.
J Lifting the burden: The global campaign against headache. Ru-Rong Ji Emerging targets in neuroinflammation-driven chronic pain. Nat Rev Drug Discov. Baron R Neuropathic pain: diagnosis, pathophysiological mechanisms, and treatment.
Lancet Neurol. Headache is a common clinical feature in neurological patients. Usually, neuroimaging is unnecessary in patients with episodic migraine or tension type headache with typical headache features and with a normal neurological examination. These patients do not have a higher probability of a relevant brain pathology compared to the general population.
A recent study, however, reported that neuroimaging is routinely ordered in outpatient headache even if guidelines specifically recommend against their use.
Brain MRI with detailed study of the pituitary area and cavernous sinus, is recommended for all trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias TACs. Neuroimaging should be considered in patients presenting with atypical headache features, a new onset headache, change in previously headache pattern, headache abruptly reaching the peak level, headache changing with posture, headache awakening the patient, or precipitated by physical activity or Valsalva manoeuvre and abnormal neurological examination.
A recent consensus recommends brain MRI for the case of migraine with aura that persists on one side or in brainstem aura. According the same consensus, fFor primary cough headache, exercise headache, headache associated with sexual activity, thunderclap headache and hypnic headache apart from brain MRI additional tests may be required [3].
Particularly in emergency room it is mandatory to exclude a secondary headache that requires special attention and further diagnostic workup. CT scan is the first line neuroimaging examination. MRI offers a greater resolution and discrimination and might therefore be the preferred method of choice in non acute headache.
In addition, radiation due to CT scanning may be avoided. Neuroimaging non conventional techniques are of little or no value in the clinical setting.
Headache neuroimaging: Routine testing when guidelines recommend against them. European Headache Federation consensus on technical investigation for primary headachedisorders. Migraine frequency fluctuates over time. In the literature, the most important recognized factors associated to chronic migraine are overuse of acute migraine medication, ineffective acute treatment, obesity, depression, presence of allodynia and stressful life events.
Other factors reported in studies are age, female sex and low educational status. Very recently, a large population study suggested that the presence of additional noncephalic pain site is a risk factor for migraine chronification. For many of these factors the relationship with migraine chronification may however be bi-directional.
For instance, in the case of depression, it is possible that depression may negatively affect the response of migraine to acute and prophylactic treatments, but it is also true the opposite: i. In the case of obesity, the association with chronic migraine may simply be ascribed to the effect of fat tissue in drug distribution. Beside and beyond the putative biological factors that may cause a worsening of disease, several lines of evidence suggest that the progression from episodic to chronic migraine is associated to a progressive increase and stabilization of functional and anatomical changes associated to chronic sensitization.
In this frame, it appears obvious that an additional cause for chronic migraine is quite likely represented by the low rate of prescription of preventive medications. The underutilization of preventive drugs has several explanations ranging from drug-associated issues limited efficacy, poor tolerability profile to education of practitioners, pharmacists and patients, and it also involve the limited access to qualified care.
Underutilization of preventative drugs also translate into a higher recourse to acute drugs, thus feeding on a vicious cycle that leads to negative consequences. CT has participated in advisory boards for Allergan and electroCore; she has lectured at symposia sponsored by Allergan; she is PI or collaborator in clinical trials sponsored by Alder, electroCore, Eli-Lilly and Teva.
Prevalence of migraine sufferers who are candidates for preventive therapy: results from the American migraine study AMPP study. Headache ; — The added value of an electronic monitoring and alerting system in the management of medication-overuse headache: A controlled multicentre study. To date, the majority of clinical studies concerning primary headaches and their comorbidities are focused on migraine.
Comorbidities of migraine may include neurological and psychiatric conditions, as mood disorders depression, mania, anxiety, panic attacks , epilepsy, essential tremor, stroke, and the presence of white matter abnormalities [2].
Particularly, a complex and bidirectional relation between migraine and stroke has been described, including migraine as a risk factor for cerebral ischemia, migraine caused by cerebral ischemia, migraine mimicking cerebral ischemia, migraine and cerebral ischemia sharing a common cause, and migraine associated with subclinical vascular brain lesions [2].
A recent meta-analysis pointed out that migraine is associated with increased ischemic stroke risk [3], and according to a systematic review and meta-analysis [4] the risk of hemorrhagic stroke in migraineurs is increased with respect to non-migraineurs.
Besides, the risk of transient ischemic attack seems to be increased in migraineurs, although this issue has not been extensively investigated [5]. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis also describes an increased risk of myocardial infarction and angina in migraineurs compared to non-migraineurs [6]. Concerning the association between migraine and vascular risk factors arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity, alcohol consumption, family history of cardiovascular disease , a recent review [7] showed no solid evidence of an increased burden of conventional vascular risk factors in migraineurs, with the only exceptions of dyslipidemia and cigarette smoking, while a systematic review and meta-analysis regarding migraine and body mass index categories [8] found an increased risk of having migraine in underweight subjects and in obese women as compared with normal-weight subjects.
Few studies investigated the comorbidities of tension-type headache TTH , despite the fact that tension-type headache TTH is highly prevalent, and may be as debilitating as migraine [9]. It is noteworthy that, according to a review, TTH is associated with increased rate of affective distress [9]. Furthermore, some medical disorders may worsen a preexisting TTH, and it has been described the comorbidity of TTH with psychiatric disorders and fibromyalgia [10]. The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3 rd edition beta version.
Comorbid neuropathologies in migraine. Migraine headache and ischemic stroke risk: an updated meta-analysis. Am J Med. Migraine and hemorrhagic stroke: a meta-analysis. Sacco S, Kurth T. Migraine and the risk for stroke and cardiovascular disease.
Curr Cardiol Rep. Migraine and risk of ischaemic heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Conventional vascular risk factors: Their role in the association between migraine and cardiovascular diseases. Migraine and body mass index categories: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Tension-type headache and psychiatric comorbidity. Tension-type headache and systemic medical disorders. Differentiating patients with life-threatening headaches from the overwhelming majority with primary headaches eg migraine, tension or cluster headache is an important issue in emergency department ED.
Patients with non-traumatic headaches are up to 4. These numbers seem to remain constant in Western countries Ramirez-Lassepas, ; Kowalski, ; Cvetkovic, ; Gaughran, Primary headaches still pose an open challenge in the ED because the failure to recognize a secondary headache could cause potentially fatal consequences. Unfortunately, to date, there is still no a standard diagnostic procedure for headache in emergency conditions; although according to the diagnostic guidelines there are red flags that could help in the process, the positive predictive value of each severity indicator is not yet determined.
The problem of poor diagnostic sensitivity was attributed to IHCD-3 criteria rigidity in relation to primary headache diagnosis in emergency setting Dutto, , Swadron, Alternatively, a different standardized work-up has been proposed for the most frequent headache scenarios in ED Cortelli, ; Dutto, A careful history and physical examination remain the most important part of the assessment of the headache patient; they enable the clinician to determine whether the patient is at significant risk for a dangerous cause of their symptoms and what additional workup is necessary.
This presentation will discuss how to approach adults with headache in ED with an emphasis on those features that characterize high-risk headaches. Thus, the muscolokeletal contribution in Primary Headaches is still debate in the literature [5]. Moreover, recent knowledge suggests that different clinical headache phenotypes arising from a common pathophysiology rather than an independent disorder [6]. That is, in the most prevalent headaches disorders i.
In this presentation, the role of the musculoskeletal inputs in primary headaches it will be provided. Moreover, evidences of the effectiveness of a manual therapy management provided by a physiotherapist and its integration in a multidisciplinary team it will be discussed. Migraine prophylaxis with drugs influencing the renin-angiotensin system.
The impact of headache in Europe: principal results of the Eurolight project. Pietrobon D, Striessnig J. Neurobiology of migraine. Nat Rev Neurosci. Cady RK. The convergence hypothesis. Noseda R, Burstein R. Migraine pathophysiology: anatomy of the trigeminovascular pathway and associated neurological symptoms, CSD, sensitization and modulation of pain.
Migraine pathophysiology: anatomy of the trigeminovascular pathway and associated neurological symptoms, cortical spreading depression, sensitization, and modulation of pain. The European Headache Federation recognized the value of OnabotulinumtoxinA suggesting that, before labeling a patient as affected by refractory CM, a proper treatment with this drug needs to be completed [1].
In the last years several real-life prospective studies provided further evidence in clinical setting of OnabotulinumtoxinA U efficacy for the headache prophylaxis in CM complicated by medication overuse headache MOH [2]. Recently we published the results of a prospective study on the long-term 2 years efficacy and safety of a single dose of OnabotulinumtoxinA or U in patients with CM plus MOH had failed previous preventative drugs and detoxification attempts [3].
Both the doses were effective and equally safe, but U was more effective than U in reducing headache days, migraine days, pain medication intake days and Headache Impact Test HIT -6 score. Even more, the U dose superior efficacy was evident since the first injection and maintained over all the study period of 24 months. Interestingly we observed a progressive improvement in all the efficacy measures during the 2 years of follow-up with both the doses and significantly more with U.
Sometime a response appears only after the second or third injections. For this reason in selected cases can be useful to temporarily continue an oral preventative agent.
The NICE guidelines recommend OnabotulinumtoxinA only for patients who have already tried at least three different preventative drug treatments that have not worked.
The chance to use it as first-line preventative treatment may shorten the period of chronicity and eventually prevent the developing of MOH. Several studies conducted before OnabotulinumtoxinA approval shown that it is ineffective in patients with episodic migraine [4].
Those studies had important limitations as range doses and injection paradigm. Furthermore, the population enrolled was represented in the majority by patients with low frequency episodic migraine an average of attacks per month.
Refractory chronic migraine: a consensus statement on clinical definition from the European headache federation. J Headache Pain ;28; A critical evaluation on MOH current treatments. Curr Treat Options Neurol. A two years open-label prospective study of OnabotulinumtoxinA U in medication overuse headache: a real-world experience.
J Headache Pain ; Efficacy of botulinum toxin type A for the prophylaxis of episodic migraine headaches: a meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.
Pharmacotherapy ;— Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias TACs are a group of primary headaches comprehending the following syndromes: episodic and chronic cluster headache CH , episodic and chronic paroxysmal hemicrania PH , short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks, and hemicrania continua HC [1]. Their phenotypes are similar and attack duration is the main feature distinguishing the first three TACs.
An accurate diagnosis is important because of their different response to treatments. CH typically occurs at the same time of the day, from once to eight times per day, and in the same period of the year. Trigger factors can include alcohol, volatile chemicals or a warm environment 3.
Controlled trials have investigated the efficacy of subcutaneous sumatriptan, nasal sumatriptan, and nasal zolmitriptan. When a preventive medication is required, verapamil is the reference treatment. How was it discovered? The weakness was discovered last year by folks Google employs to find such issues before the bad guys do.
Usually, solutions are developed in private and announced in a coordinated way. This time the news leaked before the companies involved had a chance to get a fix in place. Chipmakers and operating system providers, such as Alphabet Inc.
Intel said that it expects to have issued updates for more than 90 percent of recently introduced processor products. Some customers of Android devices, Google Chromebook laptops and its cloud services still need to take steps to patch security holes, the company said. Patches for Windows devices are out now and the company is securing its cloud services, Microsoft said in a statement.
Is this just an Intel problem? No, though that seems to be what panicky investors initially thought. But rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Google fingered all three companies. What will the fallout be? Some computers, mostly older ones, could be slowed down by the software patches that will make them more secure. Intel said that in common situations software might be slowed down by as much as 3 percent or not at all.
But in other rare situations, performance might be reduced as much as 30 percent. Intel has only done lab tests Microsoft finally retired a version of Windows 10, marking 29 months of support for the untitled feature upgrade, nearly as long a stretch as the time between the releases of Windows 8 and Windows Windows 10 — Microsoft labels its feature upgrades in a yymm format — received a final set of security patches on April The retirement date had originally been slated for Oct.
Customers running Windows 10 Enterprise or Windows 10 Education were given the support reprieve; those operating lesser SKUs stock-keeping units , including Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro, had their support curtailed last October.
Earlier this year, Microsoft added six months of support to all versions of Enterprise and Education, raising the support roof from 18 months to 24 for not only , but also for , and The less expensive, less expansive, Home and Pro, however, retained the month support timeline.
Also destined for an April 10 retirement party was Windows 10 , the mid feature upgrade that received its last security patches that day on Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro. Meanwhile, version on Enterprise and Education will continue receiving fixes until Oct. The company has extended the lifespan of other software previously, including the original version of Windows 10, tagged as In February , it added six weeks to the timetable.
Generally, however, Microsoft has been hard-nosed about support deadlines, and for good reason. Microsoft on Tuesday said that some million enterprise workers now run Windows 10, a sign that corporations and other businesses are close to schedule to scrub Windows 7 from their machines before that older OS retires in about 20 months, an analyst argued.
In actuality, because Microsoft typically sells licenses on a per user basis, with multiple devices allowed for each user, million people may be using more than that number of Windows 10 devices. According to other metrics, there may be a considerable number of them. Estimates from analytics vendors, including U. The million touted by Belfiore this week will be quite different a year from now, Kleynhans was certain. Windows 10 deployment is, like previous iterations of the OS, on a timetable not of its own making.
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Addresses an issue in which some USB devices and onboard devices, such as a built-in laptop camera, keyboard, or mouse, stop working. This may occur when the Windows Update servicing stack incorrectly skips installing the newer version of some critical drivers in the cumulative update and uninstalls the currently active drivers during maintenance.
Known issues in this update Symptom Workaround Windows Update History reports that KB failed to install because of error 0x Even though the update was successfully installed, Windows Update incorrectly reports that the update failed to install. Select Check for Updates to verify that there are no additional updates available.
You can also type About your PC in the search box on the taskbar to verify that your device is using the expected OS build. Microsoft is working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release. This issue occurs when the windows update servicing stack incorrectly skips installing the newer version of some critical drivers in the cumulative update and uninstalls the currently active drivers during maintenance.
Workaround steps are available in KB There is no way to undo the database corruption. To return your AD FS server to a functional state, you must restore it from a backup.
How to get this update This update will be downloaded and installed automatically from Windows Update. To get the stand-alone package for this update, go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website.
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Step 10 You can also check the VPN status in the Network applet the icon in your system tray at the bottom right. Connecting the SSTP on Windows 10 Find the network connections icon in the bottom right corner of the screen near the clock. The icon can be in the shape of computer display or wireless signal meter you can see it on Step Click on that icon.
In the appeared list click on any network connection. After that you will see another window with the connection list, click on theVPN connection the connection name can be different, you have set it up on Step 5. Disconnecting the SSTP on Windows 10 Find the network connections icon in the bottom right corner of the screen near the clock.
Contact for More Information Your reviews are public, so anyone can see what you write. To leave us a review click here Note: Google has a zero tolerance policy for fake reviews. Why we want you to leave a review on Google? At South Jersey Techies, we recognize the challenges businesses face and can help you improve your technology with affordable professional Managed IT Services and Website Maintenance Plans. By contributing to Google Maps, you can earn points and get a special badge next to your reviews.
For more info and answers to your other questions, check out the Local Guides forum. Search for a place. To read all the reviews for the place, to the right of the rating, click on the total number of reviews. Tip: If you want to see a translated review in another language, go to your languages on the right, click Edit choose a language.
Click Write a review. In the window that appears, click the stars to score the place. If you want, you can also write a review. At the top, tap Reviews. To share a review, go to the bottom of the review and tap Share. A star means a Local Guide wrote the review. Add a rating or review On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app. Search for a place or tap it on the map.
At the top, tap Reviews scroll down until you see 5 empty stars. Tap the stars to score a place or write a review. Scroll down until you see reviews. A star means the review was written by a Local Guide. Scroll down until you see 5 empty stars. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Maps app. In the top left, tap the Menu Your contributions. To see places you might want review, choose Contribute.
In the top left, tap the Menu Your contributions Reviews. Find the review you want to share, edit, or delete. Share your review: Tap on your review scroll down until you see your review at the bottom of your review, tap Share. Edit your review: Tap More Edit review. Delete your review: Tap More Delete review. Next to the review, tap More Report review.
Oh, plus a promise to crowdfund the upcoming console. This week Atari further detailed the Ataribox to GamesBeat, and the plan seems even weirder than before. Best of luck to them. Is that enough? Probably not. The problem, as always, is the games. Linux gaming is worlds better than it was a few years ago, especially if Atari focuses on the indie scene.
Hell, for all we know Atari will be buying Steam Controllers in bulk and packaging them with the system. Might as well. Plans are for an Indiegogo campaign later this fall, with a release scheduled for Spring Mark Kaelin explains how. Microsoft has been slowly and methodically rolling out the Windows 10 Creators Update to customers throughout If you are one of the lucky ones to receive the update already, you have likely noticed more than a few changes to how Windows 10 looks and works.
Some of the changes are good, some are a little annoying. Microsoft is migrating the interface for configuring the operating system to the new Settings screen, but some of us, especially IT pros who have been doing this for a long time, prefer the old Control Panel interface. Figure A Fortunately, the old Control Panel is still available; it is just lurking in the background.
We can bring it back to the forefront with a few clicks, tweaks, and tricks, and this tutorial will show you how they work. In general, that means acquiring a link from a version of Windows that is not the Creators Update.
It is possible with the help of a third-party app, but it is complicated, convoluted, and not really necessary. If you want to go through the process, you can check out this website for the details. But before you do, I have some simple solutions that might work better for you. Now, what you can and should do For those of us who want to keep things simple, here are a couple of ways to access the traditional Control Panel in Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Update.
Search for it Figure C If you just want to access the control panel occasionally and not add more icons to your desktop, the simplest way to access the Control Panel is by typing control panel in the Cortana search box. Control Panel should be the first entry in the search results Figure C.
You can left-click the link to start the app or right-click it and add the link to the Start Menu or to your Taskbar for easy future access. Adding the Control Panel to the Start Menu is handy if you are using a touch screen interface.
Adding it to the Taskbar works well if you find yourself accessing configuration settings on a regular basis. Click the Personalization icon to open the next screen and drill down to the Themes screen. Scroll down until you see the Desktop Icon Settings item under the Related Settings area and click it.
A dialog box will pop open and you can check the Control Panel radio button to add that link to your Desktop Figure D. Click OK and the icon will be added as a primary system link on your Desktop. Here are the best features that came with it. Get ready to back up your iPhone and iPad: iOS 11 is here. Apple released the latest version of its mobile operating system on Tuesday, introducing us to a handful of brand-new features.
In fact, this version of iOS feels like the most ambitious version of iOS that Apple has launched in a while. This time, Siri gets a new voice, plus a super-helpful visual interface that lets you even edit your voice request with text input. Apple said that it will add more languages in the months to come. Customizable Control Center Currently, Control Center in iOS 10 takes up two panels, so you have to navigate to the second panel to access volume controls.
However, iOS 11 brings everything back to a single screen and relies more on 3D Touch. In iOS 11, you can add effects to your Live Photos after you take them. Find a Live Photo on your camera roll and then swipe up. You can also make it a long exposure shot for better photos of low-lit scenarios. Drag-and-drop on iPad iOS 11 makes for better multitasking on iPad. Now you can drag-and-drop images, links, and files between apps that are open side-by-side, either in Split View or Side Bar mode.
In fact, you can drag-and-drop an app from Dock onto Side Bar mode, and drag that secondary app from the right to the left side of the screen. Markup your screenshots Everytime you take a screenshot in iOS 11, it will automatically remain floating on the lower left. You can swipe it offscreen to save it to your camera roll as per usual, or you can tap on it to go into Markup.
Taking a page from Spotify, Apple Music members now have a profile on the streaming app. However, there is currently no way to listen to music on private or secret mode, so be ready for your Apple Music followers to get a glimpse at all your guilty pleasures.
You can scan several documents at once and apply different filters. The scans can be saved inside your Notes, and you can also export them as PDF files that are Markup-friendly, so you can add your signature and send it back. If you prefer to take notes using your finger or your Apple Pencil on iPad Pro, they are now searchable.
QuickType keyboard improvements iOS 11 also makes significant improvements to the software keyboard. On iPhone, you can press-down on the globe icon and choose one-handed mode. This will bring all the keys closer to either the left or right side of the screen to make it easier to type with one hand. You can also make one-handed mode your default keyboard by going into Settings.
For iPad, you can now type numbers, symbols, and punctuation marks without switching to a secondary keyboard. Simply flick down on the key to insert the character you need.
Apple Pay Cash for sending or receiving cash within Messages 2. Indoor maps for Apple Maps to help you navigate popular shopping centers and major airports worldwide. Use promo code rsa5 in your cart when you order. Offer expires Wednesday, September 27, at midnight Mountain Time. Did you know? Mac Office support conks out on Oct.
Support ends for Office for Mac on Oct. As of that date, the Redmond, Wash. The individual applications — Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Word — will continue to operate after support ends, but companies will be taking a risk, however small, that malware exploiting an unpatched flaw will surface and compromise systems. To receive security and non-security updates after Oct. Unlike the Windows version of Office, which receives 10 years of security support, those that run on macOS are allotted half that.
The latter will be upgraded with new features, Microsoft said in April, twice each year for enterprise subscribers to Office ProPlus, with each release supported for 18 months before giving way to a pair of successors.
Mac editions, however, are refreshed with new tools at irregular intervals, often long after the same feature debuts in the same Windows application. And because there are no regular, large-scale feature upgrades to Office for Mac, support is not curtailed by the release schedule as with Windows. The difference between Offices — the behemoth Windows on one side, the niche Mac on the other — has been put into even starker relief recently: Microsoft has adopted March and September dates for launching new upgrades to Windows 10, Office ProPlus, and last week, Windows Server, but made no similar promises for Office for Mac Offer expires Wednesday, September 13, at midnight Mountain Time.
I deleted Google from my life, and I can show you how to do it, too. After being a devoted Googler for many years, I realized putting all my data on one platform had its downsides.
A couple of factors in particular drove me to make a clean break. Deleting Google for privacy and security The appeal of escaping Google comes down to privacy. Google collects an alarming amount of data about you. Security goes hand-in-hand with that. How to delete your Google data to protect yourself. Deleting Google for social impact Another reason to get rid of Google is make your choice as a consumer for a healthier, more responsible media. The importance of search discovery means that publishers and journalists must write stories to match the queries typed in by readers.
How my Google-free experiment started When I decided to drop Google, I had just left a full-time job at a company that used Google mail and other apps. I stopped using all Google products while I freelanced. Everyone uses Google differently, but I focused on forgoing the services that are core to the experience: Gmail, Docs, Drive, Calendar, Maps, and Search.
Dropping Gmail was easier than expected. I tried Yahoo! Mail, but there were too many ads for my taste. The web interface for Apple Mail at icloud. I liked them both better than Docs because I prefer native apps to web apps, and because I think both have more elegant designs—especially iCloud. It also has a mobile app. It was also pretty easy to kick Drive to the curb.
Cloud storage competitors abound. Google Calendar has plenty of competition. This is a more personal choice, and people can get very attached—consider the furor when Microsoft shuttered Sunrise Calendar. On the other hand, it inspired us to find third-party alternative calendars, which could also replace Google Calendar.
I tried Waze. Google Maps is still the best. Google Maps alternatives were a challenge. Unlike Apple Maps, Waze has a web app, and powerful community-sourced data is its biggest selling point.
But guess what? Google Search rules for a reason. Bing is a strong competitor. Some features, like video search, are even better than what Google offers. Both search options were passable, but Google has nailed semantic search with a precision that no one else can touch. Then I was hired at a new job that required me to use Google. I considered the experiment a success, to the point that I was dismayed to abandon it at the new gig. Google has us in its grasp for good reason. Your mileage may vary based on which services you value most.
If you decide to delete Google from your life, too, let us know how it goes on our Facebook page. But what makes the S8 so amazing is how unique it is.
For the first time in a while, Samsung is standing alone on the cutting edge with a phone that needs to be seen to be believed. From its barely there bezels to its brilliant wraparound screen, the Galaxy S8 truly gives Apple a run for its money. No joke, it actually makes the iPhone 7 look pretty stale. According to rumors, the lineup this year will consist of the usual S models along with a fantabulous iPhone 8, which looks to adopt a similar aesthetic to the Galaxy S8, with an edge-to-edge OLED display and the removal of the physical home button.
The iPhone 7 Plus is already a step ahead here, with 2X optical zoom and the sublime Portrait Mode, but the iPhone 8 could really separate itself from the S8 by taking it even further. Along with a megapixel bump, Apple could add optical image stabilization to the second lens, which will go a long way toward increasing photo and zoom quality. But what would really set it apart would be a larger sensor and greater ISO range to make it a low-light leader. And that could be one of the features that sets the iPhone 8 apart.
An AR-fueled iPhone 8 could connect us to the world in fun new ways without separating us from reality. Well-placed fingerprint sensor While the Galaxy S8 is one of the best smartphones ever made, one tragic flaw prevented it from being perfect: the placement of the fingerprint sensor.
For some god-awful reason, Samsung put it right next to the camera, all but ensuring your finger will not only miss it, but also repeatedly smudge the lens. If the rumors are correct that Apple will also be removing the home button in the iPhone 8, it has two options: under the screen or on the back. Samsung integrated Bixby deep into the interface to let it access apps, fetch information, and cut down on how often we need to touch our phones. It might be time to rethink iOS for modern times and give it more than new features and a fresh coat of pixels.
True wireless charging While Samsung has had wireless charging in the Galaxy S since the S6, Apple has been slow to adopt it for the iPhone. That alone would be an S8 killer. The Galaxy S8 includes a pretty great pair of earbuds. Inside the S8 box is a pair of premium AKG-tuned earbuds that are a few steps above the usual build and sound quality you get for free—certainly better than what Apple gives us.
But if Apple really wants to embrace the wireless future of the iPhone, it needs to stop including a wired set of EarPods, even if they are Lightning. A pair of AirPods in the box or a cheaper Beats alternative would really set it apart from the 3.
Use promo code rsa3 in your cart when you order. Offer expires Wednesday, August 30, at midnight Mountain Time. These include a host of new enterprise-useful features — especially for the iPad — as well as a variety of tweaks that will almost any user. That commitment to privacy means Apple has been crafting smart solutions that work on a device rather than by sharing data with the less secure cloud. Apple also introduced Core ML, a general-purpose machine-learning framework that developers can use to integrate machine learning inside their apps.
Here are some of the ways Apple has applied A. The People folder in Photos becomes more accurate, and information about your friends will sync across all your Apple ID logged-in devices.
Based on what you are doing in other apps, iOS 11 can provide personalized recommendations in Safari, Maps, Messages and News. Siri Kit improvements: Developers can use the SiriKit framework to integrate Siri support inside apps for ride scheduling, bill payments, banking, messaging, image search, VoIP calls, workouts, car controls and to-do lists.
Type to Siri: You can now choose to type your Siri requests rather than speak them. Then toggle Type to Siri to On green. The Dock: The new, customizable Dock holds up to 15 apps or folders containing apps. Three additional slots to the right of the Dock show a trio of the most recently used apps. You get to the Dock by swiping up from within any application. Drag and drop: You can select a single item by tapping it, and if you continue to hold it — and then tap one or more additional items — you can select a number of items.
This feature also works with the newly introduced Files browser see below. Together, Files and drag-and-drop make working on an iPad feel much more like working on a computer than on a giant iPhone. It works like this: Summon the Dock by swiping up the screen from within any app ; you can then tap an app icon and drag it to the right side of the screen to open a narrow version of it.
This makes it easy to switch between apps using the Dock and Split View. If you have a keyboard, you can switch apps using the Mac-familiar Command-Tabbuttons. Apple Pencil: Tap the screen to instantly open Notes and begin writing. Locations lets you access files held in iCloud Drive, on your device or the trash if they were recently deleted. You can also bring in files held in third-party services such as Dropbox. Tap this and you can assign a new tag to the file. Sort files by name, date, size and tags.
Skip between list and icon-based views. Drag items to other apps. Enterprise deployment — simplified iOS 11 brings changes designed to make it easier to deploy Apple devices across the enterprise. You can add any device to the Device Enrollment Program. MDM commands can be set to execute only when a device has a wired connection — saving on corporate bandwidth.
A new restriction forbids enterprise users from adding their own VPN. You can now enable signing and encryption in Mail and Exchange separately; before you could only enable signing and encryption at once. Sysadmins can now configure home screen layout and app installs on Apple TV. The security enhancements will likely have the biggest effect on users. These include better, easier cookie blocking and Intelligent Tracking Prevention, which uses built-in machine A. This will mean higher-quality video at much lower file sizes compared to the older H.
This opens the doors to cross-platform, browser-based video collaboration. This will enable new breeds of A. Swipe up and you can invoke numerous items for quick access. Mightier Maps Maps continues to improve, with features such as the introduction of new AR-like city flyover views. To explore these views, search for a major city and look for a Flyover button. Tap this to access the view. It also includes these key items: A Do Not Disturb When Driving feature designed to keep you from getting distracted by incoming Notifications while behind the wheel.
A new Lane Guidance feature that shows you the correct highway lane to be in to make the turns you need to stay on course. A speed limit display in Maps, beginning with those posted for U.
A new way to access zoom mode: Just double tap a Map and, while keeping your finger pressed into the display, move your finger up and down to zoom in and out. Many of your personal settings, preferences and iCloud Keychain passwords will be carried over to your new device, so it is ready to use, fast.
Instant Wi-Fi: iOS 11 users can approve others to use their Wi-Fi network by holding the devices close together, authorizing them, and transferring the password automatically. This should help schools and enterprises more easily manage routine Wi-Fi password changes. Point your device at the code, tap to focus, and a notification box will let you respond to that code. Apple has also added new filters to improve images, including one designed to make skin tones appear more natural. Live Photos gains several improvements.
Not only can you now share these live moments with others as GIF files or as an mp4 on Android , but you get to choose the key image and can apply three new effects: loop, bounce and long exposure. By the time iOS 10 arrived, Notes had already become a sort of low-budget replacement for Evernote, but it gets much more versatility in iOS Certainly, for business users it has become an excellent tool to keep receipts and other expenses in one place when traveling: You can scan documents from within a Note; just tap the plus sign and choose Scan Documents, then point your device until the document is in focus and highlighted by a yellow tint.
You can then keep, share or even sign the scan the latter on the iPad Pro using an Apple Pencil. Apple has added the capacity to draw inside Notes using the familiar sketch tools interface from the iPad. You can pin notes to the top of your list, more easily search through your notes, and quickly place notes within subject folders. When you need it, just download the app again to use that data. Otherwise, wait until the final version arrives, when the bugs should have been ironed out.
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There is diversity and coherence in these chapters, for example we move gracefully from stock-market crashes to epileptic seizures, which take us straight back to earlier chapters dealing with single-cell modelling in the brain and neuronal rhythms. As with the historical chapters, the coverage was impressive for its balance and breadth.
As someone who has dealt with complex systems in a somewhat piece-meal fashion, I was impressed that nearly every relevant contribution I know about was covered in a brief but useful way. Even in areas I was familiar with, I learned a lot, particularly about the origins of some of the ideas.
Most of this was scientific but sometimes it was historical e. It certainly explains the genesis of the complexity sciences with a compelling and useful focus on the history of these ideas and the rhetoric needed to articulate them. This is a very worthwhile read for any student considering an academic career in complexity or, senior scientists who want to place their corner of enquiry in a larger context.
On finishing the book, I wondered whether a better title would have been “Complexity Celebrated”. The References are one indication of his inclusive broad coverage. Wolf, International Journal of General Systems, It is an excellent introduction to CS for specialists in many fields. I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn CS seriously.
At a more advance level, it should be followed by deeper books in individual fields e. CS in biology, CS in social sciences etc… I thank the author for this enjoyable and useful book. Peter Erdi. Book Title : Complexity Explained. Authors : Peter Erdi. Publisher : Springer Berlin, Heidelberg. Edition Number : 1. Number of Pages : XV, Skip to main content. Search SpringerLink Search. Authors: Peter Erdi 0.
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While CGRP is expressed abundantly in the central nervous system, it also plays an important role in the peripheral nervous system. That commitment to privacy means Apple has been crafting smart solutions that work on a device rather than by sharing data with the less secure cloud.❿