WIN EPISCOPE improved epidemiological software for veterinary medicine — Research@WUR.WIN EPISCOPE improved epidemiological software for veterinary medicine
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Win episcope 2.0 download free.WIN EPISCOPE 2.0: improved epidemiological software for veterinary medicine.
The considerably higher prevalence for the year was expected because at that time, there were no activities focused in the control of BTB. After the reduction of the prevalence in , there was a slightly rising of this pattern in subsequent years and , which is consistent with the previously reported in other studies PAHO, ; Tadayon et al.
The aforementioned increment is consequence of detecting as positive to skin test animals infected with other Mycobacterium spp. Regarding risk factors, the association between breed, specifically B.
However, Elias et al. Other reported factors associated with BTB are older animals Kazwala et al. Although the risk factors identified in this study are in agreement with several studies, additional slaughterhouse surveys must be conducted for monitoring the prevalence of BTB for eradicating the disease.
Furthermore, the Northern states of Mexico and the Southern states of the United States of America should continue with collaborative activities in order to achieve the free-status of BTB and maintain the livestock trade between both countries. Open menu Brazil. Open menu. Abstract Resumo English Resumo Portuguese. Text EN Text English. Epidemiological patterns of caprine brucellosis in an unvaccinated area, Mexico. High prevalence and increased severity of pathology of bovine tuberculosis in Holsteins compared to zebu breeds under field cattle husbandry in central Ethiopia.
Vaccine Immunol. BERG, S. The burden of mycobacterial disease in Ethiopian cattle: implications for public health. PLoS One. Tuberculosis in adult beef cattle of Mexican origin shipped direct-to-slaughter into Texas.
Mycobacterium bovis infection and control in domestic livestock. Prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in Ethiopian slaughter cattle based on post-mortem examination. Health Prod. Mycobacterium bovis isolates from tuberculous lesions in Chadian zebu carcasses. Status of bovine tuberculosis in Addis Ababa dairy farms. Recent changes in veterinary medicine have required quantitative epidemiological techniques for designing field surveys, identifying risk factors for multifactorial diseases, and assessing diagnostic tests.
It is based on Microsoft Windows and includes modules for the design and analysis of field surveys, control campaigns and observational studies, and a simple mathematical model. It provides comprehensive ‘Help’ screens and should therefore be useful not only in field investigations but also for teaching veterinary epidemiology.
Tags Type your tag names separated by a space and hit enter. Vet Rec. Together they form a unique fingerprint. View full fingerprint. Veterinary Record , 18 , Thrusfield, M. In: Veterinary Record.
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WIN EPISCOPE improved epidemiological software for veterinary medicine — Research@WUR
Thrusfield, C. Ortega, I. Noordhuizen, K. N2 – Recent changes in veterinary medicine have required quantitative epidemiological techniques for designing field surveys, identifying risk factors for multifactorial diseases, and assessing diagnostic tests. It is based on Microsoft Windows and includes modules for the design and analysis of field surveys, control campaigns and observational studies, and a simple mathematical model.
It provides comprehensive ‘Help’ screens and should therefore be useful not only in field investigations but also for teaching veterinary epidemiology. AB – Recent changes in veterinary medicine have required quantitative epidemiological techniques for designing field surveys, identifying risk factors for multifactorial diseases, and assessing diagnostic tests.
Overview Fingerprint. Abstract Recent changes in veterinary medicine have required quantitative epidemiological techniques for designing field surveys, identifying risk factors for multifactorial diseases, and assessing diagnostic tests. Access to Document Together they form a unique fingerprint. View full fingerprint. Veterinary Record , 18 , Thrusfield, M. In: Veterinary Record. Thrusfield and C. Noordhuizen and K. In: Veterinary Record , Vol. AU – Ortega, C. AU – de Blas, I. AU – Noordhuizen, J.
AU – Frankena, K. PY – Y1 – N2 – Recent changes in veterinary medicine have required quantitative epidemiological techniques for designing field surveys, identifying risk factors for multifactorial diseases, and assessing diagnostic tests. U2 – Veterinary Record.