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Cui, Yan Interval analysis techniques for field mapping and geolocation. Cui, Yi Studies of rechargeable lithium-sulfur batteries. Daly, Christine Ann Seeking certainty: Are people who are experiencing relational doubt more sensitive to relationship cues? Dangeti, Sanmathi Tangible interaction as an aid for object navigation in 3D modeling.
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Datta, Dhrubajyoti Micromechanical fracture model for ductile-brittle bimaterial interfaces. Davis, Beshaun Jamaal Making meaning in the presence of sub-threshold psychotic symptoms: An investigation of metacognitive capacity in psychometric schizotypy. Davis, John Michael The development and evaluation of a lean six sigma advanced manufacturing methodologies course for aeronautical engineering technology curriculum.
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DeKorver, Brittland K Undergraduate students’ goals for chemistry laboratory coursework. Deldar, Majid Decentralized multivariable modeling and control of wind turbine with hydrostatic drive-train. DeNardo, Nicholas M Additive manufacturing of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites.
Deng, Yexin Two-dimensional electronics and optoelectronics: From materials syntheses to device applications. Dennis, Tana Shea Influence of dietary component manipulation and feed management strategies on growth and rumen development of weaned dairy heifers. Deuser, August Robert Technology, nostalgia, and coming-of-age in Salinger’s short fiction. DeVilbiss, Frank T Is metabolism goal-directed? Investigating the validity of modeling biological systems with cybernetic control via omic data.
Dey, Sayan Role of river bathymetry in hydraulic modeling of river channels. Dhamankar, Nitin S An immersed boundary method for efficient computational studies of nozzles designed to reduce jet noise. Dhillon, Jaapna The effects of including almonds in an energy-restricted diet on weight, body composition, visceral adipose tissue, blood pressure and cognitive function. Diao, Kelu Hardware accelerated redundancy elimination in network system.
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Doh, Iyll-Joon Development of bacterial colony phenotyping instrument using reflected scatter light. Douilly, Roby 3D dynamic rupture simulation and local tomography studies following the Haiti earthquake. Dow, Ximeng You Nonlinear optical methods for the analysis of protein nanocrystals and biological tissues. Duarte Gomez, Eileen Enid The use of lux enzymes to investigate the association between irreversible protein denaturation and pressure-mediated inactivation of Escherichia coli.
Dubikovsky, Sergey I The association between tolerance for ambiguity and fear of negative evaluation: A study of engineering technology capstone courses.
Duffy, Alexandra G Billbug Sphenophorus spp. Du, Juan Complex formation by alpha-lactalbumin and polysaccharide copolymers. Du, Mike Realtime dynamic binary instrumentation. Dundar, Aysegul Learning from minimally labeled data with accelerated convolutional neural networks. Dunn, Jonathan M Nanoscale phonon thermal conductivity via molecular dynamics.
Durkes, Abigail Cox The effects of acidified pepsin on porcine vocal fold tissue: Developing a porcine model of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease. Eadara, Archana Modeling, analysis, and simulation of Muzima fingerprint module based on ordinary and time Petri nets. Easton, Mckay Whetton Density functional theory calculations complement mass spectrometry experiments in the investigation of biomass fast pyrolysis and ion-molecule reaction mechanisms. Eberline, Andrew Dale Perceptions of and experiences with the Indiana teacher evaluation system in physical education.
Edalatnoor, Arash Energy optimization of air handling unit using CO2 data and coil performance. Edelman, Joshua B Secondary instabilities of hypersonic stationary crossflow waves. Edelman, Peter J Interplanetary mission design with applications to guidance and optimal control of aero-assisted trajectories. Ehlers, Shawn Gregory Rearward visibility issues related to agricultural machinery: Contributing factors, potential solutions.
Engerer, Jeffrey D Rapid transient cooling utilizing flash boiling and desorption on graphitic foams. Erdei, Ronald An examination of the employment of the pair programming methodology as a collaborative instructional scaffold on college student procedural learning and programming self-beliefs. Escalante, Lucio Navarro Discovery and functional analyses of Hessian fly effector-encoding genes. Eun, Joonyup Models and optimization for elective surgery scheduling under uncertainty considering patient health condition.
Ewetz, Rickard F Synthesis of clock trees with useful skew based on sparse-graph algorithms. Faheem Ibeacon based proximity and indoor localization system. Fahmi, Tazin Stress and immunological evaluations of sea urchin treated with four different nutraceuticals. Falk, Courtney Knowledge modeling of phishing emails. Fang, Maureen M Integrating precision machining process capability data into product feature design process.
Fan, Jingxian Taming tail latency for erasure-coded, distributed storage systems. Fan, Xiaozhe An LED-based image sensor with energy harvesting and projection capabilities college of technology.
Feng, Chao Biophysical studies of the allosteric regulatory mechanism of Syk tandem SH2 domains interacting with immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs.
Feng, Qingyu Hydrologic and water quality impacts from perennial crop production on marginal lands. Ferialdy, Arfinandi Graph theoretical analysis of the Dynamic Lines of Collaboration model for disruption response. Fezi, Kyle S Modeling transport phenomena and uncertainty quantification in solidification processes. Frappier, Ann M An investigation of composite failure analyses and damage evolution in finite element models.
Fu, Jiahong Uncertainty quantification on industrial high pressure die casting process. Fu, Rong Early parental loss, socioeconomic stressors, and health in later life: Evidence for gender disparity.
Gabet, Ryan M A comparative forensic analysis of privacy enhanced web browsers. Gaeta, Christopher M Quit playing with your watch: Perceptions of smartwatch use.
Gaffar, Md Explicit and unconditionally stable finite difference time domain methods for general electromagnetic analysis. Gaitonde, Aalok Jaisheela Uday Thermal transport in lithium ion batteries: An experimental investigation of interfaces and granular materials. Gall, Aaron R Magnesium regulates transcription of the mgtA magnesium transporter gene in Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium via prolyl-bond formation during translation of the mgtL leader ORF.
Ganatra, Yash Yogesh Passive thermal management using phase change materials. Gangaraju, SricharanLochan Machine-to-machine communication for automatic retrieval of scientific data. Ganguly, Samiran Spintronic device modeling and evaluation using modular approach to spintronics. Gao, Jiejun Nanoparticle toxicity and molecular mechanisms in fish: A case study with silver nanoparticles. Gao, Mengqi Toner usage prediction.
Gardner, Nathan W Investigation of an energetic coupling between ligand binding and protein folding. Garrity, Jordan M Design and analysis of a high performance valve. Geesey, Bryce A Utilizing tunable signal interference control topologies with electromechanical resonators. Ge, Jiaqi Sequential pattern mining with uncertain data. Gentry, Patrick L A new reality: Funding formula changes and property tax caps and their effects on the role of the school superintendent in the state of Indiana.
Gettings, Patricia E Understanding the communicative processes of baby boomer women adjusting to retirement: Connecting micro and macro discourses. Ge, Yifan Investigating spatial distribution and dynamics of membrane proteins in polymer-tethered lipid bilayer systems using single molecule-sensitive imaging techniques. Ghahari, Seyedali The effect of ZnO nanoparticles on thermoelectric behavior and fresh properties of cement paste.
Ghosh, Arnab Jyoti Analytical investigation of fretting wear with special emphasis on stress based models. Gilland, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Short-term effects of a Western diet on the number of brainderived neurotrophic factor immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate, ventromedial and paraventricular nuclei. Glas, Zoe Elizabeth Mitigating conflict: A human dimensions analysis of mesopredators and their management.
Glavin, Nicholas Robert Ultra-thin boron nitride films by pulsed laser deposition: Plasma diagnostics, synthesis, and device transport. Goblet, Valentine Pascale Phase of flight identification in general aviation operations.
Lucian Soca. Gokhale, Vaibhav V Design of a helmet with an advanced layered composite for energy dissipation using a multi-material compliant mechanism synthesis. Gomes, Joan Implementation of i-vector algorithm in speech emotion recognition by using two different classifiers: Gaussian mixture model and support vector machine. Goodcase, Eric T The role of attachment insecurity in preferred communication modality and relationship satisfaction of romantic relationships initiated online.
Gradzewicz, Audrey D How small the apocalypse. Green, Colleen Warwick Bad girls in corsets: Women and the transgressive body in the nineteenth century. Greene, Frederick V The path towards clear and convincing digital privacy rights. Griffin-Oliver, Courtney Janai Set and element-level compatibility of spatial and location-word stimuli paired to eye-movement, vocal, and keypress response modalities.
Groen, Jessica A We’ll find the time: Performing traumatic hope through fictions of child maltreatment. Guidry, Brett W Finding the ghost with the machine: Breaking through the assessment center validity ceiling by exploring decisional processes using new sources of behavioral data within virtual assessments.
Guo, Tian Effect of bioenergy crops and fast growing trees on hydrology and water quality in the Little Vermilion River Watershed. Guo, Xingye Thermomechanical properties of novel lanthanum zirconate based thermal barrier coatings – an integrated experimental and modeling study.
Gupta, Ravi Digital signal processors as HPC accelerator and performance tuning via static analysis and machine learning. Gupta, Rohinish Modelling and control of a parallel through-the-road plug-in hybrid vehicle.
Gurule, Kaitlyn An analysis of digital forensic units. Guzzetti, Davide Coupled orbit-attitude mission design in the circular restricted three-body problem. Haderlie, Jacob C Modeling methods for merging computational and experimental aerodynamic pressure data. Halimi, Ghulam Hazrat Can Afghanistan achieve self-sufficiency in wheat? Limitations due to market integration.
Halimi, Ghulam Hazrat Trade and agriculture policy options to improve the wheat subsector in Afghanistan. Hall, Derrick R. Hammond, Max A The influence of collagen crosslinking and treadmill exercise on the mechanics, composition, and morphology of bone at multiple length scales. Han, Arum How training set and prior knowledge affect preschoolers’ perception of quantity and early number learning.
Han, Chang Wan Characterization of heterogeneous catalysts using advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques. Haney, Alison M A matter of faith: The role of religion, doubt, and personality in emerging adult mental health.
Han, Jaemin Multi-session Network Coding characterization using new linear coding frameworks. Haria, Hiral Jayantilal A novel mode-switching hydraulic hybrid for an on-highway vehicle: A study of architecture and control. Harris, Mary Beth Women writers and the genealogy of the gentleman: masculinity, authority, and male characters in eighteenth-century English novels by women.
Hassan, Khaled MD. Hawkins, Elizabeth Marie Organizing historical agricultural data and identifying data integrity zones to assess agricultural data quality. Hay, Martha E Design of nitroxide-based radical polymer materials for electronic applications. Hayrapetian, Allenoush Analyzing and evaluating security features in software requirements.
Hazlitt, Robert A Synthesis of a malvidinglucoside derivative with a difluoromethylene linkage. Heijnen, Michel J. H Failures in adaptive locomotion in healthy young adults. Heneghan, Joseph M The biology and management of waterhemp in Indiana. Hengge, Neal N Enzymatic liquefaction of untreated corn stover. Herrera Perez, Ruth Marisol Influence of the 3D microenvironment on glioblastoma migration and drug response. He, Zijian Service-level based response by assignment and order processing for warehouse automation.
Hickle, Mark D Synthesis, design, and fabrication techniques for reconfigurable microwave and millimeter-wave filters. Hinh, Robert Tool comparison of semantic parsers. Hinkel, Irina A What is contemporary art? Hjortland, Nicole M Defining the regulatory determinants in substrate catalysis by biochemical, biophysical, and kinetic studies for the development of specific small-molecule inhibitors of ubiquitin specific proteases 7 and Hodde, Whitney The effect of climate change on the economics of conservation tillage: A study based on field experiments in Indiana.
Hodson, Stephen L Carbon nanotube thermal interfaces and related applications. Hoggatt, Will Development of a fluidic mixing nozzle for 3D bioprinting. Holgate, Horane A Development and initial validation of a culturally responsive classroom climate scale. Hollandbeck, Gaelle Florence Effect of volunteer corn density on deoxynivalenol production by Fusarium graminearum in hybrid corn.
Hollingshead, Nicole A Examining the influence of Hispanic ethnicity and ethnic bias on medical students’ pain decisions. Holzer, Corey T The application of natural language processing to open source intelligence for ontology development in the advanced persistent threat domain. Hoogewind, Kimberly A Climate change and hazardous convective weather in the United States: Insights from high-resolution dynamical downscaling.
Houston, Saori M A longitudinal study of the development of fluency of novice Japanese learners: Analysis using objective measures. Houtman, John A Design and plan of a modified hydroponic shipping container for research. Hou, Yangyang Low rank methods for optimizing clustering. Hrycik, Allison R Spatio-temporal diet variation and movement decisions of Lake Erie yellow perch. Huang, Hsin-Ying Examination and utilization of rare features in text classification of injury narratives.
Huang, Shouyuan Parametric and design analysis on thermoelectric generators. Huang, Wanfeng Concurrent detection and isolation of cellular and molecular biomarkers. Huang, Wenhan Parallelized ray casting volume rendering and 3D segmentation with combinatorial map. Huang, Yuqian Pattern exploration and event detection from geo-tagged tweets.
Huang, Zhi Vehicle sensor-based pedestrian position identification in V2V environment. Huang, Zun Wave propagation and imaging in structured optical media. Huckabee, Alexis G In-column polymer modifications: Advancing polymer bonded phases.
Hudspeth, Matthew C Multi-axial failure of high-performance fiber during transverse impact. Hughes, Kyle M Gravity-assist trajectories to Venus, Mars, and the ice giants: Mission design with human and robotic applications.
Hurt, Moriah J Evaluating the physical welfare of dogs in commercial breeding facilities in the United States. Hussein, Ahmed Mohamed Abd-elhaffiez Effective memory management for mobile environments.
Hu, Yaowu Laser shock imprinting of metallic nanostructures and shock processing of low-dimensional materials. Huynh, William B Gesture based non-obstacle interaction on mobile computing devices for dirty working environment. Ibrahim, Md Phyllanthus niruri supplemented diet as a modulator of stress and immune responses in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, reared in inland recirculating and aquaponics systems. Irven, Donovan Being and literature: The disclosure of place in modernity.
Issa, Salah F Exploring the cause of injury or death in grain entrapment, engulfment and extrication. Jacobs, Elin M Spatiotemporal patterns of hydroclimatic drivers and soil-water storage: Observations and modeling across scales. Jacobs, Nicholas L Analysis of feedback control applied with command shaping to minimize residual vibration.
Jahan, Mafruha Options to improve energy efficiency for educational building. Jahan, Suchana Akter Optimization of conformal cooling channels in 3D printed plastic injection molds. James Stephen, Julian Securing cloud-based data analytics: A practical approach.
Jarmusch, Alan Keith Ambient ionization – mass spectrometry: Advances toward intrasurgical cancer detection. Jauregui, Luis A Electronic transport in nano-devices based on graphene and topological insulators. Javagal, Suhas Raveesh User-centric workload analytics: Towards better cluster management. Jeon, Bonggil A method for selecting HVAC retrofit solutions for existing small- and medium-sized commercial buildings.
Jeong, Jun Young Analysis of structural and functional brain networks. Jiang, Zhengping Multi-scale simulations for high efficiency low power nanoelectronic devices. Jiao, Peng Dynamic green split optimization in intersection signal design for urban street network.
Jin, Jonghoon Fast and robust convolutional neural networks optimized for embedded platforms. Jin, Zhenong Crop modeling for assessing and mitigating the impacts of extreme climatic events on the US agriculture system. Ji, Yanzhu Transposable element and host dynamics in mammals and birds as revealed by transcriptomic and genomic evidence.
Johnson, Scott C Observability and observer design for switched linear systems. Jones, Gavin Robert Accessible surface area of common silica particle types. Jones, Kyle E Hip hop, circulation, and the associational life of Peruvian youth. Jung, Wonyeong Computational investigation of force generation, relaxation, and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. Kaczay, Kaitlin R A comparison of the efficacy of radiant and immersion frying using hash brown patties as a model food matrix.
Kadasala, Naveen Reddy Synthesis, characterization, and application of magnetic gold nanoclusters. Kalyanam, Rajesh Interactive logical analysis of planning domains.
Kambatla, Karthik Shashank Methods to improve applicability and efficiency of distributed data-centric compute frameworks. Kanani, Geoffrey H An examination of how specific support structures impact the adjustment process of sub-Saharan African students in two Midwestern institutions of higher education.
Utilitarian Situations. Kang, Jisun Improving a mesh segmentation algorithm based on non-negative matrix factorization. Kang, Ji Yun Help-seeking intention among college students: Cross-cultural study between East Asian international students and domestic students in the Unites States. Karki, Anju Investigating the role of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor MIST1 in pancreatic diseases.
Karyadi, Kenny A The effects of alcohol odor cues on food and alcohol attentional bias, cravings, and consumption. Kaseb, Ahmed S A cost-effective cloud-based system for analyzing big real-time visual data from thousands of network cameras. Katzman, Tanya Lynn The use of stable isotopes and particulate matter in the investigation of local and regional atmospheric chemistry. Kebede, Ammanuiel A Asphalt pavement preservation using rejuvenating fog seals.
Keith, Melissa G Autonomy and motivation: The impact of task difficulty. Keller, Christine E. M Biochemical changes in animal models of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Kendall, Jordan D Hydrocode modeling of oblique impacts into terrestrial planets. Kesari, Aditi Factors affecting transduction efficiency of pseudotyped viral vectors incorporating alphaviral glycoproteins. Khan, Ishita K Protein function, diversity and functional interplay. Khan, MD Mursalin Assessment of the role of elderberry extract in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, as a stress reducing and immune stimulating nutraceutical in-vitro and in-vivo.
Khan, M. Ryyan Perspectives and designs towards solar cell performance limits. Khan, Munib Ahmad Defenders of patrimony a short story collection. Khan, Raza A A high-performance communication topology for decentralized protocols. Kharangate, Chirag Rajan Experimental, theoretical and computational modeling of flow boiling, flow condensation and evaporating falling films. Khatri, Hari Raj Synthetic studies of heparan derivatives: Glycosyl couplings and post-glycosylative modifications.
Khern-am-nuai, Warut Essays on value creation in online marketplaces. Kiernicki, John J Redox-active ligand uranium complexes for approaches to multi-electron chemistry. Kim, Dae Woo New marked point process models for microscopy images.
Kim, Huisung Investigation of multimodal forward scatter phenotyping from bacterial colonies. Kim, Hyung Suk Implementing a wireless monitoring solution for a biomechanical telemetry system.
Kim, Janghyun Evaluating the performance of passive chilled beams with respect to energy efficiency and thermal comfort. Kim, Jeonghwan High extinction ratio subwavelength 1D infrared polarizer by nanoimprint lithography.
Kim, Jongbum Plasmonic devices based on transparent conducting oxides for near infrared applications. Kim, Jooho Examining consumers’ risky food consumption behavior in restaurants. Kimmey, David L Feature extraction to improve nowcasting using social media event detection on cloud computing and sentiment analysis. Kim, Min Jung Restaurant menu design and food choice process. Kim, Nicholas Nakjoo Optimal design of sound absorbing systems with microperforated panels.
Kirby, Adam Michael Comparing policy decisions for active shooters using simulation modeling. Kissick, Ashley Lorraine Functional diversity enhances detection of ecosystem stability and resolution of predator-prey interactions within a multitrophic community.
Kittell, David E Analysis and simulation of small scale microwave interferometer experiments on non-ideal explosives. Kloster, Kyle Graph diffusions and matrix functions: Fast algorithms and localization results. Koirala, Damodar Mass spectrometric characterization of remotely charged amino acids and peptides. Komanduru, Abi Remote sensing of snow using bistatic radar reflectometry. Kong, Xiangjia An exploratory study of Chinese leave-taking.
Konopa, Daniel J Thermal and optical characterization of high power laser diodes. Konstantzos, Iason A human-centered approach for the design of perimeter office spaces based on visual environment criteria. Kranz, William D Advances in solid phase microextraction for the analysis of volatile compounds in explosives, tire treatments, and entomological specimens. Krishnan, Ankita The broader autism phenotype: Associations with acculturative stress among Asian international students.
Kuhlenhoelter, Alisha M Acute impact of a single session of thermotherapy on the expression of angiogenic regulators in human skeletal muscle. Kulakhmetov, Marat F Upscaling ab-initio chemistry models to non-equilibrium flow simulations.
Kulczar, Chris The development of preclinical strategies for facilitation of lead candidate selection. Kumaravel, Harish Valayapalayam An anomaly-based intrusion detection system based on artificial immune system AIS techniques. Kumavat, Apeksha Dipak Video annotation by crowd workers with privacy-preserving local disclosure. Kustas, Andrew Benjamin Shear-based deformation processing and characterization of electrical steel sheet.
Kuykendall, Davis White Leibniz on intra-substantial causation and change. Kwon, Soon Ho Improvement of a biomechanical telemetry system hardware platform. LaFollette, Megan Renee The impact of tickling rats on human-animal interactions and rat welfare. La Fond, Timothy Controlling for confounding network properties in hypothesis testing and anomaly detection.
Larrick, Brienna M 1,Dihydroxyvitamin D regulation of triacylglycerol accumulation in differentiated adipocytes. Larsen, Vance J Responsible microfinance bundling: Experimental evidence on separating insurance and credit offers.
Laughery, Lucas Response of high-strength steel reinforced concrete structures to simulated earthquakes. Lavoie, Tegan N Identification and quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from oil and natural gas operations using an aircraft-based mass balance technique.
Lawrence, Katie N Tuning optoelectronic properties of small semiconductor nanocrystals through surface ligand chemistry. Layfield, Allison S Pedagogy and profit: Multiethnic literature, gender and young adult publishing. Lear, Trevor R Liquid metal particle popping: Nanoscale to macroscale. Lee, Alli Elizabeth Exploration of alumni perceptions regarding career development and impact of the Indiana 4-H program.
Lee, Heui Chang Device design factors for enhancing the functionality of chronic intracortical microelectrodes. Lee, Jinyoung Investigation of lead exposure as a developmental origin of adult neurodegenerative disease using the zebrafish model system.
Lee, Sangjin Information inference for cyber-physical systems with application to aviation safety and space situational awareness. Lee, Seung Seob Development of new radiation sensors for personal dosimetry. Lee, Woochan Fast time- and frequency-domain finite-element methods for electromagnetic analysis. Lee, Yeunjae Authentic enterprise, communal employee relationship, and employee-generated managerial assets.
Legg, Emily M Listening to our stories in dusty boxes: Indigenous storytelling methodology, archival practice, and the Cherokee Female Seminary. Lei, Weiran Enhancing travel experience with the combination of information visualization, situation awareness, and distributed cognition.
Leng, Yujun Preliminary design tools in turbomachinery: Non-uniformly spaced blade rows, multistage interaction, unsteady radial waves, and propeller horizontal-axis turbine optimization. Levine, Stephen E Dynamic transverse debondong of a single s-2 fiber.
Li, Ang Flammability limits of alternative aviation fuels. Li, Gaojin Hydrodynamics of swimming microorganisms in complex fluids. Li, Lingnan Maximum empirical likelihood estimation in U-statistics based general estimating equations. Lili, Wang Climate change impacts on soil erosion and nutrient losses in the Great Lakes region.
Lim, Heejong Essays in operations management. Li, Mozhu Differences in context: Revealing expert-novice graph knowledge in biology. Lippitt, Katelyn A Neural processes mediating rhyme processing in young children who stutter. Lischke, Fabian Design of self-supported 3D printed parts for fused deposition modeling.
Liu, Chao Three dimensional moving pictures with a single imager and microfluidic lens. Liu, Chenyang Improving programmability and performance for scientific applications. Liu, Hui Modeling of frame structures undergoing large deformations and large rotations. Liu, Jiabao Numerical optimization of a 6-cylinder diesel engine intake and exhaust manifold. Liu, Shaoqing Quantifying terrestrial ecosystem carbon dynamics with mechanistically-based biogeochemistry models and in situ and remotely sensed data.
Liu, Xiaohui Analysis of a next generation energy system based on the integration of transportation subsystem details. Liu, Xin Water absorption and desorption in concrete. Liu, Xin Analysis of slender structures using mechanics of structure genome and open source codes. Liu, Yangfan Efficient modeling of sound source radiation in free-space and room environments. Liu, Yu Modifications to Johanson’s roll compaction model for improved relative density predictions.
Liu, Yucheng Modeling of human perception for near-threshold local distortion in natural images. Liu, Yue Structural studies on cell entry of respiratory enteroviruses. Liu, Yuhang Measuring the effect of cold storage, captive supply, and concentration on the marketing margin in the U. Liu, Yun Three dimensional unsteady flow and active morphing effect in flapping wings.
Li, Yiran The effect of static and dynamic aging on fatigue behavior of Sn3. Li, Yue Hua qian zhao zui shou looking for trouble at own expense – a study of tourist mis behaviors. Li, Zhang Optimal monitoring and mitigation of systemic risk in lending networks. Llanos Lucas, Fernando The role of experience in processing foreign-accented speech.
Lockman, Jennifer Danielle College students’ suicidal ideation: Testing the predictions of the existential – constructivist theory of suicide. Lopez Otero, Julio Cesar Bilingualism effects at the syntax-semantic interface: Evidence from the Spanish present tense.
Lopez Perez, Nelyan Degradation of high performance polymeric fibers: Effects of sonication, humidity and temperature on poly p-phenylene terephthalamide fibers.
Lotz, David Allen Energy dashboard for real-time evaluation of a heat pump assisted solar thermal system. Lou, Fangyuan A study on flow development in an APU-style inlet and its effect on centrifugal compressor performance. Love, Heather A Suicidal ideation following the termination of romantic relationships with consideration of family-of-origin functioning and self-efficacy. Luan, Chi-Cheng Feelings of doing good for myself or others: Discussing effects of self-conscious emotions on sustainable consumption.
Lucas, Jason M Connecting models of configuration spaces: From double loops to strings. Lu, Cheng Content-based image analysis with applications to the multifunction printer imaging pipeline and image databases. Lui, Pan Priscilla Disentangling universal and cultural-specific risks to mental health among Asian Americans: A multi-site longitudinal investigation.
Regulation in Infant Formula Safety. Luo, Qianwen The cloud-radiative forcing of the U. Luo, Zhe Understanding in-plane thermal transport in crystalline semiconducting thin films. Luttermoser, Timothy J Nestmate recognition in odorous house ants Tapinoma sessile : Effects of social plasticity, urbanization, and laboratory maintenance.
Lu, Xueting Improving fuel economy during high load diesel engine system operation through valve train flexibility. Lyle, LaDawn Tiffany A molecular analysis of blood-tumor barrier permeability in three experimental models of brain metastasis from breast cancer. Lyu, Hao Lyu Fight deck human-automation mode confusion detection using a generalized fuzzy hidden Markov model.
Maesschalck, Cis Guy M. De Design, analysis, optimization and control of rotor tip flows. Mahdavi, Arash A system-of-systems approach to ex-ante analysis of profit potential of a project portfolio. Maier Acosta, Ana Margarita A multiculturalist and sociotransformative approach to entrepreneurship education in Honduras.
Ma, Jing Improving online food safety communication: The role of media. Mallett, Lauren B Rootwire. Manish, Raja Profile fitting in crowded astronomical images. Mankani, Bharat R Advances in Raman hyperspectral compressive detection instrumentation for fast label free classification, quantitation and imaging. Man, Mengren Nanophotonics for dark materials, filters, and optical magnetism.
Marathe, Monica Implementation of reliability aware scheduling in an open source scheduling system. Marbouti, Farshid A standards-based grading model to predict students’ success in a first-year engineering course. Marcum, Christopher Louis Fundamental studies of collision-activated dissociation CAD of deprotonated model compounds relevant to lignin degradation products.
Mares, Jesus O. Marquet, Bryan David Design of an asymmetric reluctance machine for a generator application. Marquez Alcala, German A The labor market consequences of endogenous low-skill migration with a market-based immigration policy.
Martin, Audrey E Biochemical studies on mycobacterial proteins involved in the transport of fatty acids. Marziale, Matthew D Thermal neutron analysis for improvised explosive device detection. Masters, Christine L Encounters beyond the interface: Data structures, material feminisms, and composition. Matin, Saima A Economic viability of flexible biogas pumps in Bangladesh.
Mayar, Khalilullah Modernizing the current Afghan engineering education system: Challenges and opportunities. Mayes, Amanda Sue Struggling students become successful art mentors: A mixed methods multi-case study. Ma, Yue Amplifying the connection between empty nest parents and their children through ambient information design.
Mazzurco, Andrea Methods to facilitate community participation in humanitarian engineering projects: Laying the foundation for a learning platform. McDermott, Keith A A mixed methods study: Evaluating the relationship of project manager competencies and it project management methodologies. McKenna, Lindsay N Vocalizations of sea turtle hatchlings and embryos.
McMasters, James F Development and characterization of targeted poly NIPAm nanoparticles for delivery of anti-inflammatory peptides in peripheral artery disease and osteoarthritis. McMillan, John Ernest Annual forage cropping-systems for midwestern ruminant livestock production. Mei, Henry Coupled resonator based wireless power transfer for bioelectronics. Mejia, Jessica Animals and the value of life. Mendoza Garcia, John A A phenomenographic study of the ability to address complex socio-technical systems via variation theory.
Merrill, Daniel Alexander Investigation of cellular microenvironments and heterogeneity with biodynamic imaging. Methel, Cam-Tu Jeanne An experimental comparison of diffuser designs in a centrifugal compressor. Miao, Jinmin Studies in novel transition-metal-catalyzed oxidative coupling reactions. Michuda, Nicolas J Mining big data to create a tool for empirical observation of continuous safety improvement in a construction company – A progressive case study in the lean environment.
Midi, Daniele Security techniques for sensor systems and the Internet of Things. Miller, Brittney Rachele Kernels of adjoints of composition operators on Hilbert spaces of analytic functions. Miller, Elyse A Role of otolith organs in geometric cue processing. Miller, Galina V Using information technology to model hand-washing behavior and to improve policies impacting elementary school absenteeism due to influenza. Miller, Jacob K The thermomechanical response of composite energetic materials under high- and low-frequency mechanical excitations.
Miller, Lauren Elizabeth The acquisition of bare nominals by three populations of Spanish-English bilingual adults. Milutinovic, Goran Veljko New screening method for overweight vehicles. Miner, Courtney L Adolescent resilience: Examining the influence of sibling position following a parental separation.
Misata, Kelley K Gap analysis identifying the current state of information security within organizations working with victims of violence. Mischler, Renee A The influence of diet and oral iron supplementation on iron status after gastric bypass surgery.
Mishra, Aura Ankita Impact of peer relationship and exposure to violence on Posttraumatic Stress for children at risk for maltreatment. Mitra, Subrata What broke where for distributed and parallel applications — a whodunit story. Mitsein, Rebekah K Africa is always bringing forth something new: African worlds and worldviews in British Enlightenment literature, Mobasher Moghaddam, Sina Analytical and experimental investigation of microstructural alterations in bearing steel in rolling contact fatigue.
Moghaddam, Mohsen Best matching processes in distributed systems. Moghe, Prajakta S Zigbee based wireless adjustable speed drive system. Mohamed, Mohamed Fathy Kamel Targeting multi-drug resistant pathogens with novel antimicrobial peptides. Mohammadi, Ahmad Shah Managing bacterial wilt, caused by Erwinia tracheiphila, on muskmelon with early control of striped cucumber beetle Acalymma vittatum F , and through varietal selection. Mohan, Ranjini Neural activity reveals effects of aging on inhibitory processes during word retrieval.
Moloney, Colleen A simulation of flow and water quality from tile drains at the watershed and field scale. Montoya Rodriguez, Miguel A Quantifying asphalt emulsion-based chip seal curing times using electrical resistance measurements. Moomen, Milhan Deterioration modeling of highway bridge components using deterministic and stochastic methods. Moore, John A Deep collective inference.
Moran Yanez, Luis M Bridge maintenance to enhance corrosion resistance and performance of steel girder bridges. Morgan, Carissa Jae Investigating U. Morton, Patricia M The things they carried: The biological residue of childhood misfortune.
Morusu, Siripriya Automated methods to detect and quantify histological features in liver biopsy images to aid in the diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Moser, Meghan E Residual effects of nitrogen fertilization on soil nitrogen pools and corn growth. Moser, Sydney E Influence of dietary polyphenols on carbohydrate intestinal digestion and absorption. Mukundan, Vivek Rees algebras and iterated Jacobian duals. Muller, Alexandra A Manufacturer perspectives on content transparency and material health in the US building products industry. Mulvenna, Ryan A Size and chemistry selective membranes from block polymer templates.
Mundayaliyath Mundayadan, Rohit Can wearable devices reduce burnout by making people aware of stress? Munyua, Philip Mutuma Collaboration in scientific digital ecosystems: A socio-technical network analysis. Muralidharan, Charanya Elucidating the mechanisms or interactions involved in differing hair color follicles. Muralidharan, Pooja Characterization of ethanol-induced effects on zebrafish retinal development: Mechanistic perspective and therapeutic strategies.
Murchison, Nicole M Understanding the mechanism for response selection in compatibility tasks: Referential coding contrasted with biological properties of the hands. Murphy, Jesse R Mechanistic characterization of acetic acid resistance enzymes of Acetobacer aceti. Mutascio, Holly E Modeling relative habitat suitability and movement behavior of invasive Burmese pythons in southern Florida.
Nall, Stacy O Decentering the writing program archive: How composition instructors save and share their teaching materials. Nam, Woongsik Laser direct written silicon nanowires for electronic and sensing applications. Natt, Caitlin “Only weirdos give birth at home” and other young adult perceptions of midwives and home birth: Implications for communication campaigns promoting midwifery. Navaratne, Uditha S Mmulti agent system approach to solve distributed energy resource allocation problem to increase the stability and reliability of the distribution system.
Navarro Patino, Miguel Andres Energy efficiency in data collection wireless sensor networks. Nayyar, Soumya Implementation and analysis of reverse breathing, rebreathing and cylinder deactivation for aftertreatment thermal management and overall efficiency benefit on diesel engines.
Ndukaife, Theodore Aganachi Reduction of energy consumption in low rise residential space conditioning by retrofitting with evaporative condenser. Ness, Robert D.
Newman, Justin A At the intersection of X-ray diffraction and nonlinear optics. Ng, Ka Ho Dopamine d1 receptor activity in the basolateral amygdala is important for mediating fear, reward and safety discrimination learning. Ngo, Phuong D Intelligent control of a class of nonlinear systems. Nguyen, Elizabeth Bich Hang Impact of microwave-assisted heating and enzymatic treatment on functional and antioxidant properties of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss by-product hydrolysates.
Ng, Vincent L The development and validation of a measure of virtues. Nie, Xin Relationships between dietary fiber structural features and growth and utilization patterns of human gut bacteria.
Nie, Yizhou Cyclic tensile response of a polyurethane material. Niu, Li Why are some aggressive adolescents popular: Subgroups of Chinese aggressive youth.
Nyberg, Leila Assessing the impact of emerging contaminants on anaerobic microbial communities. Nyre, Megan Marie Developing agent-based simulation models of task performance of cognitively diverse teams. O’Brien-Tomory, Annette Jean A study on the benefits for nontraditional commuter students of supplemental screencasts in a traditional chemistry lecture setting. Ochoa, Manuel Laser-processed parchment paper for fabrication of chronic wound dressings with selective oxygenation.
Odeh, Faisal Yousef Optimum core design studies for long-life small modular boiling water reactors. Oduncu, Muhammed Ramazan Development of a novel polymer-garnet solid state composite electrolyte incorporating Li-La-Zr-Bi-O and polyethylene oxide. Okada, Aya Effects of a timed dictation activity in the introductory course in Japanese focusing on the accuracy and fluency of writing Katakana.
Olberg, Madeline W Manipulating air and root-zone temperature for energy-efficient floriculture crop production. Oliver, A. Brandon Development of inverse methods for reconstruction of flight environments on ablators. Olsen, Karen Mechanism and conformational dynamics of the yeast isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase, Ste14p. O’Neill, Lucas E Analysis of body force effects on flow boiling and condensation with finite inlet quality. Opondo, Noah F Fabrication and characterization of active nanostructures.
Oren, Can Seismic body-wave interferometry using noise autocorrelations for crustal structure and a tutorial on 3D seismic processing and imaging using Madagascar. Orpe, Mrudula Uday Advanced hydraulic systems for next generation of skid steer loaders. Orstad, Stephanie L Examining the moderating role of demographic factors and depressive symptoms in direct and indirect associations between the objective and perceived neighborhood environment and physical activity in three U.
Osborn, Amie N Age demographics and farm real estate values. Ou, Ge Robust hybrid simulation with improved fidelity: Theory, methodology, and implementation. Owen, Graham Magnetic resonance elastography: A comparison between pulse sequences across field strengths.
Owens, Harold Provisioning end-to-end quality of service for real-time interactive video over software-defined networking. Pacheco Chiguano, Franklin E A methodology for cooperation between electric utilities and consumers for microgrid utilization based on a systems engineering approach. Padaruth, Sookhenlall Principals’ perceptions and experiences of physical education teacher evaluation: A case study.
Paik, Kyong-Yup Experimental investigation of hot-jet ignition of methane-hydrogen mixtures in a constant-volume combustor. Pajouhi, Zoha Exploring Spin-transfer-torque devices and memristors for logic and memory applications.
Palsdottir, Johanna B Phase field damage simulations of debonding between matrix and spherical inclusions. Pan, Chao Group transformation and identification with kernel methods and big data mixed logistic regression. Panuganti, Chaitanya Control-oriented modeling, validation, and analysis of a natural gas engine architecture. Park, Chong Hyun Parametric approaches to fractional programs: Analytical and empirical study.
Parker, Mallory A The dark side of reactive attitudes: From persons to compatibilism. Park, Hyungju Andy Representation and control of coordinated-motion tasks for human-robot systems.
Pei, Kexin Bridging statistical learning and formal reasoning for cyber attack detection. Peiris, Thelge Manjula Generalized techniques for using system execution traces to support software performance analysis. Peng, Shane X Fabrication and characterization of cellulose nanocrystal enhanced sustainable polymer nanocomposites through surface chemistry and processing. Penumatcha, Ashish Verma Towards building a prototype spin-logic device. Perley, Jeffrey P Advancing multiple model-based control of complex biological systems: Applications in T cell biology.
Peters, Jeffrey C Electric power and the global economy: Advances in database construction and sector representation. Peterson, Brittany F Investigating physiological collaborations between a lower termite and its symbionts. Phillips, Canek Moises Luna Race, class and gender in engineering education: A quantitative investigation of first year enrollment. Pirzadeh, Saba Violence, militarism and the environment in contemporary South Asian literature. Plotkowski, Alexander J Modeling fluid interactions with the rigid mush in alloy solidification.
Plouviez, Michael J Factors influencing feedback receptivity. Pochini, Katherine M The interactive effects of pesticide exposure and infectious disease on amphibian hosts.
Porter, Caitlin M Employee networks and positions differentially predict employee turnover directly and through job satisfaction and job performance. Powell, Michael S In-situ particle sizing of agglomerates in aluminized solid composite propellants using digital inline holography DIH.
Prabhu Verleker, Akshay N Optical dosimetry tools and Monte Carlo based methods for applications in image guided optical therapy in the brain. Prada, Daniele A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear porous media viscoelasticity with applications in ophthalmology. Price, James T Characterization of the juvenile green turtle Chelonia mydas microbiome associated with the ontogenic shift from pelagic habitats to inshore resident areas.
Pritchett, Robert E Numerical methods for low-thrust trajectory optimization. Provost, Netty A phenomenological inquiry into sacred time in Hinduism. Quackenbush, Robert William Edward An assessment of the competitive ability of oak species in the central hardwood region using both pre-harvest treatment data and stem analysis techniques. Quinby, Brandon Matthew Latitudinal variation of life history strategies in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis. Qu, Simeng Functional regression models in the frame work of reproducing kernel Hilbert space.
Radford, Shari Melissa Structure-function analysis of the dopamine transporter in the presence of synthetic cathinones and amphetamines. Rahman, Mahmudur Graphlet based network analysis. Rajkhowa, Bhargav R Establishing and improving control stratregies that sustain plant health in a botanical biofilter.
Ramachandra, Manasa Catalytic conversion of chlorite to chlorine dioxide by non-heme complexes. Ramachandran, Raghav Reaction tuning of selectively deposited nano-thermite inks for thrust and heat deposition. Ramchandran, Gautham Modeling the lubricating interfaces of ultra-high pressure radial piston machines. Rao, Arjun Harsha A new approach to modeling aviation accidents.
Raptis, Konstantinos The clash between two worlds in human action recognition: Supervised feature training vs recurrent ConvNet. Rathore, Zenith A framework for organizational performance assessment in the construction industry. Rau, Matthew J Turbulent liquid-vapor flow interactions and heat transfer in confined jet impingement boiling. Ravesi, Michael J Timber harvest and prescribed fire as tools for Massasauga conservation.
Ravi, Jayakumaran Spatial reconstruction of biological trees from point clouds. Rayarikar, Anuja S Using big data analytics for effective six sigma project selection. Redemann, Morgan Alyse Evaluation of thermal process lethality in meat for non-pathogenic Escherichia coli as a surrogate for Salmonella. Redington, Luke Methodology on trial: The rhetorical function of Toulminian warrants in expert testimony. Reichard, Shayne Edward The search for dark matter in xenon: Innovative calibration strategies and novel search channels.
Reichert, Emily C Beginning to explore stigma prevention: An experimental analysis of meritocratic worldviews and social distancing. Ren, Jia Mass spectrometry analysis of carbohydrate and cholesteryl ester. Renner, Max M Superheroes and social action: Reproduction, recurrence, and recognition in the superhero genre.
Ren, Yue Development of direct ionization sampling methods for point-of-care mass spectrometry analysis. Restrepo Perez, Vanessa Multiscale strategy for modelling the mechanical performance of hook and loop fasteners based on a detachment process zone model.
Riciputi, Shaina Cole Relationship quality, engagement, hope, self-worth, and health-risk behaviors in a physical activity-based positive youth development program. Riedle, Matthew R Identifying trends among phishing attacks. Riggs, Brandon S A multi-level, cross-level examination of leader and team member outcomes of leader-leader exchange differentiation. Rigg, Stefanie Alterations to redox chemistry of A adenocarcinomic human alveolar basal epithelial cells upon exposure to e-cigarette vapors.
Rigney, Jeffrey M Effects of temperature distribution on boundary layer stability for a circular cone at Mach Rinas, Aimee Lynn Advancing the applicability of fast photochemical oxidation of proteins to complex systems. Ringelberg, Josiah M Mergers and acquisitions in food and agribusiness: Returns, drivers, and long run performance. Ritelli, Guido Francesco Active oscillation reduction in hydraulic load handling machines with energy implications.
Rivera Alvarado, Daniela Towards a software development methodology for projects in higher education institutions. Robinson-Junker, Amanda L The impact of sleep disruption on mouse physiology, behavior, and welfare. Robison, Jeremy Patrick Transportation and power solutions for Africa: The assessment and optimization of the Purdue utility platform. Rocha, Jonathan Secondary atomization of inelastic non-newtonian liquid drops in the bag and multimode regimes.
Roe, Kirsten E Tolerance as a novel mechanism of Hessian fly control on wheat. Ronald, Kelly L The role of individual variation in auditory and visual processing: Implications for mate choice. Rorick, Joseph D Cereal rye cover crop effects on soil physical and chemical properties in southeastern Indiana. Roth, Katie E Automating stem learning by engaging in artful-inspired play. Ruemler, Shawn P Analyzing the opinion of industry professionals on model-based definition datasets to determine the most efficient method.
Rupp, Kortney Kaye Polymerizable lipids for controlled functionalization of layered materials. Ryan, Valerie E Recombinant Listeria adhesion protein expressing probiotics protect against Listeria monocytogenes infection in animal models.
Rybarczyk, Ryan Thomas Managing trust and reliability for indoor tracking systems. Rynearson, Anastasia M From mechanic to designer: Evolving perceptions of elementary students over three years of engineering instruction. Sadasivam, Sridhar Atomistic and mesoscopic simulations of heat transfer across heterogeneous material interfaces.
Saef, Rachel M Trust as a regulated response to cultural diversity at work: The moderating role of openness to experience. Saini, Amit K Emission control in rotary kiln limestone calcination using Petri net models.
Salazar, Ramon Investigation of transport, capacitance, and high-accuracy modeling aspects in low-dimensional devices for tunneling applications. Salem, Salma Innovative novel immunotherapies for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme. Saltaformaggio, Brendan D Convicted by memory: Automatically recovering spatial-temporal evidence from memory images. Sanchez, Bridget Mindfulness-based group training with Latino immigrant community.
Sanchez Cossio, William Fernando Exploratory study of students’ representational fluency and competence of electric circuits. Sanchez, Fernando Technical communication in place-making professions: Exploring the network pictures of urban designers.
Sandupatla, Hareesh Using reinforcement learning to learn relevance ranking of search queries. Sarangi, Suchismita Characterization of pool boiling heat transfer from porous-coating-enhanced surfaces. Sarbada, Shashank Ultra short pulse laser surface modification. Satta, Mark R A defense of the ambiguity theory of ‘knows’.
Savage, Melissa N Comparing direct and technology-based praise statements to increase physical activity for students with autism spectrum disorder. Sayin, Ridade Mechanistic studies of twin screw granulation. Scalco de Vasconcelos, Luize High-throughput mechanical characterization methods for composite electrodes and in-situ analysis of Li-ion batteries.
Schartz, Nicole Denise A role for the classical complement pathway in hippocampal dendritic injury and hippocampal dependent memory deficits in a model of acquired epilepsy.
Scherer, Andrea K High school students’ motivations and views of agriculture and agricultural careers upon completion of a pre-college program. Schmitt, Paul D Coupling qualitative and quantitative analyses of pharmaceutical materials enabled by second harmonic generation microscopy. Schwanz, Derek K. State-owned Kan TV reported that the police believe the devices were planted at the scenes before dawn and activated via mobile phones.
Large forces of police and paramilitary border police officers were searching the city for more possible bombs. Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai urged citizens to be vigilant for suspicious objects. The attacks came as former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is holding talks to form a new coalition government after his Likud party’s far-right allies won the parliamentary election on November 1.
According to the Development Roadmap for the Insurance Sector in Hong Kong, the HKSAR government will work closely with the Insurance Authority and industry stakeholders to sharpen Hong Kong’s competitive edge as a global risk management center and boost synergies between different financial sectors.
They will also work together to enlarge the market accessible by Hong Kong’s insurance sector through proactive policy initiatives and facilitative legislation, to achieve balanced development of long-term and general businesses, and to unleash the social value of insurance by providing comprehensive risk management and mitigation solutions to all members of the public. The roadmap outlines a set of visions and direction for development of Hong Kong’s insurance sector, which will help the sector better integrate into the national development, he said.
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