FastCGI Error in MAMP Pro When Uploading Files In Craft CMS – Stack Overflow – 1. Preface
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Craft 3 Database Backups Failing · Issue # · craftcms/cms · GitHub – Why Learn PHP?
Written by Flavio Copes. Updated June And it powers a lot of different frameworks that make Web Development easier, like Laravel. Speaking of Laravel, that might be the one reason to learn PHP these days.
PHP is a very polarizing language. Some people love it, some people hate it. If we move one step above the emotions and we look at the language as a tool, PHP has a lot to offer. As a language, it had a humble beginning. It was first created in by Rasmus Lerdorf to create his personal website. Programming languages are divided into groups depending on their characteristics. Those languages are compiled and the compiler generates an executable program that you then run.
You tell the interpreter to run the program. A completely перейти на страницу workflow. PHP is a dynamically typed language. The types of variables are checked at runtime, rather than before посмотреть еще code is executed as it happens for statically typed languages which also happen to be compiled, the two characteristics often go hand in hand.
PHP is also loosely weakly typed. Often the compiled can be a great help to anticipate possible craft 3 mamp pro free. But on the other hand, an interpreted language has more flexibility. In its nature, PHP is similar to JavaScript, another dynamically typed, loosely typed and interpreted language.
PHP supports object-oriented programming, craft 3 mamp pro free also functional programming. You can use it as you prefer. It is a package that gives you all the tools you need to get up and running.
Of course, you can set up each piece on its own if you like, and many tutorials explain how to do that, but I like simple and practical tools and MAMP is one of those.
Yours might be different depending on your configuration. Using MAMP you can find it in the user interface of the application. Craft 3 mamp pro free that prints those strings. Apache by default is configured to serve that route serving the index. That file does not exist, but as we have configured Apache to work with PHP, it will then search for an index.
That file exists, and PHP code is executed вот ссылка before Apache sends the page back to the browser. We have an ending? But we discuss plain PHP in this book, so it makes sense to start from the basics. A variable can be assigned any type of value, like strings defined using single or перейти quotes :.
Once a variable is assigned a value, for example a string, we can reassign it a alexa app for pc free type of value, like a number:.
We keep the first letter lowercase, and the letters of the subsequent words uppercase. Those work like they do in math. I introduced the use of strings before when we talked about variables and we defined a string using this notation:.
The big difference between using single and double quotes is that with double quotes we can expand variables in this way:. PHP offers you a very comprehensive functions in its standard library the library of functionalities offered by default by the language.
A function is composed of an identifier strlen in this case followed by parentheses. Inside those parentheses, we pass one or more arguments to the function. In this case, we have one argument. In this case, it returns the number 6. As with strings and numbers, PHP provides lots of very useful functions for arrays.
NOTE: I used cannot instead of can’t нажмите чтобы узнать больше the single quote would terminate my string craft 3 mamp pro free it should.
I know the example does not have any logic, but I think it can help you understand how switch works. The break; statement after each case is essential. We have a few different kinds of loops PHP: whiledo whileforforeach. It keeps iterating while the condition evaluates to true. In the do while loop first we do the first iteration, then we check the condition.
For example you want to stop a for loop when the value of the variable affinity designer procreate the array is ‘b’ :.
This makes the craft 3 mamp pro free completely stop at that point, and the program execution continues at the next instruction craft 3 mamp pro free the loop. If you just want to skip the current loop iteration and keep looking, use continue instead:.
You can use functions to craft 3 mamp pro free together multiple instructions, multiple lines of code, and give them a name. For example you can make a function that craft 3 mamp pro free an email.
You can pass arguments to a function, for example when you send an email you want to send it to someone, so you add the email as the first argument:. Inside the function definition we get this parameter in this way we call them parameters inside the function definition, and arguments when we call the function :.
A function can return a craft 3 mamp pro free. Only one value can be returned from a function, not more than one. You do that using the return keyword. If omitted, the function returns null. The returned value is super useful to know the result of the work done in the function, or to use its result after calling it:. When the function ends, it just stops по этой ссылке. Variables defined outside of the function are not accessible inside the function.
Instead you return a value from the function, and the outside code that calls the function will take responsibility for updating the outside variable. To call them, you invoke the variable with parentheses at the end:.
Note that you need a semicolon after the function definition, but then they work like named functions for return values and parameters. Interestingly, they offer a way to access a variable defined outside the function through use :. Note that as craft 3 mamp pro free next example shows arrow functions have automatic access to the variables of the enclosing scope, without the need of use.
Arrow functions are super useful нажмите для продолжения you need craft 3 mamp pro free pass a callback function. So we have in total 3 kinds of functions: craft 3 mamp pro free functionsanonymous functionsand arrow functions.
Those 3 built-in PHP functions take an array, and a callback function that in each iteration takes each item in the array. If you omit that, the default value is 0 but that would not work for our multiplication example. Object-oriented programming is useful to create useful abstractions and make our code simpler to understand and manage. You can create multiple objects from the same class, by assigning each object to a different variable:. Those objects will all share the same characteristics defined by the class, but once craft 3 mamp pro free are instantiated, they will have a life of their own.
They work like variables, but they are attached to the object, once instantiated from the class. The public keyword is the access modifier and sets the property to be publicly accessible. That is called access фраза my payroll in xero log in что. You could use 2 other kinds of access modifiers: private and protected. Private makes the property inaccessible from outside the craft 3 mamp pro free. Only methods defined inside the object can access it.
Like for properties, you can mark methods as private too, or protectedto restrict its access. This is such a common thing that PHP starting in PHP 8 includes something called constructor promotion where it automatically does this thing:. We can enforce properties to have a specific type between stringintfloatstringobjectarraybool and others.
The fun in object oriented programming starts when we allow classes to inherit properties and methods from other classes. Every animal has an age, craft 3 mamp pro free every animal can eat. So we add a age property and an eat method:. A dog is an animal and has an age and can eat too, so the Dog class instead of reimplementing the same things we have in Animal can extend that class:.
We can now instantiate a new object of class Dog and we have access to the properties and methods defined in Animal :. In this case we call Dog the child class and Animal the parent class. Now that we introduced inheritance we can discuss protected. We already saw how we can use craft 3 mamp pro free public access modifier to set properties craft 3 mamp pro free methods callable from outside of a class, by the public. What happens if we have a eat method in Animal and we want to customize it in Dog?
We can override that method. We reference them from inside the class using the keyword selfwhich points to the class:. From inside the class, we can reference them using the self keyword, which refers to the current class:. You can loop over all the public properties in an object using a craft 3 mamp pro free loop, like this:. Magic methods are special methods that we define in classes to perform some behavior when something special happens. There are others.
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Backing Up Your Database With MAMP | Craft CMS – 2. Introduction to PHP
MAMP PRO 5 contains a wealth of new features and improvements to make your work as a web developer much easier and faster: Create snapshots, use the new PHP 8, benefit from the vastly improved editor, use the new hierarchical host list, group hosts, work withe the new Redis server. Each host can be configured individually and thus adapted exactly to the target system. For example, choose if you need an Craft 3 mamp pro free or NginX web server, which PHP version is needed, or ppro and which caching system is used.
This allows you to work on your different projects proo parallel without losing sight of the big picture. This allows you to test your projects with different PHP versions – without having to restart the ffree.
In module modeyou select a PHP version that will automatically run on all your hosts. This is useful, for example, if you want to check if your projects are running under a certain PHP version. The vastly improved WordPress support allows you to publish and import your sites faster and more reliably than ever.
You can save any state for each of your crwft – the root directory продолжить чтение the associated database craft 3 mamp pro free saved. Restore the state of a host at any time. In an emergency, using snapshots saves you hours or even days of work.
With the Cloud feature it cdaft possible to copy all, or individual hosts to your dropbox. The root directory of the host and its databases are backed up. Now you can work on your projects on different computers without any problems. Craft 3 mamp pro free can also use the cloud vraft to filemaker pro 14 sierra free up individual or all hosts.
The editor has all the modern features like auto-completion, syntax crat, etc. When you create a virtual host, all you need to do is select the desired extra and everything will be installed automatically. Extras craft 3 mamp pro free also be installed on existing hosts. You want to keep your boss or a colleague up to date? This fres now very easy via xip. Your e-mail program opens and the corresponding URL is automatically entered in a new e-mail. All the recipient has to do now is click on the link and the host you would like to share will automatically appear.
This makes it very easy for clients and interested parties to access the results mmap your work very quickly via the Internet. Once again, the possibility of setting up any number of virtual hosts is convincing in order to be able to offer alternative configurations or suggestions.
Now you have a craft 3 mamp pro free selection of Dyn-DNS service providers, many of which are free of charge. Perfect for testing on mobile devices. What’s new? Apache 2. Improved WordPress support The vastly improved WordPress support allows you to craft 3 mamp pro free and import your sites faster and more reliably than ever.
Snapshots You can save any state for each of your hosts – proo root directory including the associated database is saved. Built-in text editor Whether you want to make a simple change to one of your projects, or start a completely new one: With MAMP PRO text editor you can just to do crafft. LAN Access You want to keep your boss or a colleague up to date?