Enhanced microsoft office 2013 word chapter 3 free
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Enhanced microsoft office 2013 word chapter 3 free

Book description A basic introduction to learn Office quickly, easily, and in full color Office has new features and tools to master, and whether you’re upgrading from an earlier version or using the Office applications for the first time, you’ll appreciate this simplified approach. Shows you how to tackle dozens of Office tasks Shares practical examples and beneficial advice to guide you through each application Focuses on visual learners, with step-by-step instructions illustrated with full-color screen shots throughout Office Simplified makes the new Office suite easy to understand, even if you are new to the software.
Show and hide more. When you start a version of Access on a computer that has multiple versions of Access installed, the Windows Installer may start, and a message that states that the Windows Installer is preparing to install Access may be displayed before Access starts.
Every time that you start Access , Access , or Access after you use Access , the Windows Installer repair operation registers that version of Access. Similarly, the Windows Installer repair operation registers Access every time that you start it after you use an earlier version of Access.
This does not occur when you start Access , nor does it occur when you start the same version of Access again. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Note We do not support the use of multiple versions of Office on versions of Windows that have Terminal Services enabled. Note This installation order also applies to Office stand-alone products, such as Visio. Office is not supported on Windows 8 If you uninstall one of the versions of Office, you may have to reinstall the remaining versions of Office in this order for them to work correctly.
You must follow this installation order when you apply Office updates such as. This is because, when an update is applied, the targeted Office product is repaired. Applying an update to an older version of Office may cause later versions of Office to function incorrectly. You must apply updates to the earliest version of Office first, and then either repair or apply updates to the later versions of Office in chronological order.
Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to change the registry. To show the Ribbon, click the Expand Ribbon command at the top of screen.
Show tabs: This option hides all command groups when not in use, but tabs will remain visible. To show the Ribbon, simply click a tab. Show tabs and commands: This option maximizes the Ribbon. All of the tabs and commands will be visible. This option is selected by default when you open Word for the first time. By default, it shows the Save, Undo, and Repeat commands.
You can add other commands depending on your preference. To add commands to the Quick Access toolbar: 1. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Quick Access toolbar. Select the command you want to add from the drop-down menu. To choose from more commands, select More Commands. The command will be added to the Quick Access toolbar. It makes it easier to adjust your document with precision.
If you want, you can hide the Ruler to create more screen space. To show or hide the Ruler: 1. Click the View tab. Click the check box next to Ruler to show or hide the ruler.
To access backstage view: 1. Click the File tab on the Ribbon. Backstage view will appear. Info — the info pane will appear whenever you access backstage view. It contains information about the current document. You can also inspect the document and set protection. New — from here you can create new blank workbook or choose from a large selection of templates. Open — from here, you can open recent documents, as well as documents saved to your OneDrive or on your computer. Save and Save as — use save and save as to save your document to your computer or to your OneDrive Print — from print pane, you can change the print settings and print your document.
You can also see a preview of your workbook. Share — from here, you can invite People to view and collaborate on your document. You can also share your document by emailing it, presenting it online, or posting it to your blog. Close — click here to close the current document.
Account — from the Account pane, you can access your Microsoft Account information, modify your theme and background and sign out of your account. Options — here you can change various Word options. These views can be useful for various tasks, especially if you’re planning to print the document. Different document view options. Arrows appear on the left and right side of the screen so you can toggle through the pages of your document. There are page breaks in between each page, indicating how your document will look when printed.
It can help you visualize how your document will display as a webpage. You can also create a new document while Word is running. Each new document displays a default name such as Document1, Document2, and so on on the Title bar until you save it with a more meaningful name.
The cursor, a blinking vertical line in the upper-left corner of the page, shows where the next character you type will appear. When the cursor reaches the right margin, the word you are typing automatically moves to the next line.
Pressing the Enter key starts a new paragraph. To create a new document: 1. Click the File tab, and then click New. In the right pane, click Blank document. A new, blank document opens in a new window. Use the Save As command when you save a document for the first time or if you want to save a copy of a document in a different location, with a different file name, or in a different file format. Use the Save command to save changes to an existing document. This format has the.
You can use Word to save a document in the Word Document format with the. To save a document for the first time: 1. Click the File tab, and then click Save As. The Save As page of the backstage view opens. Click Computer in the center pane, and then click the Browse button or a recent folder in the right pane. In the Save As dialog box, select a location to save the file, type a name in the File name box, and then click the Save button.
To save a document in a different format, click the Save as type arrow and select the desired file format from the list. If the document contains any unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save the changes before closing it. To close a document without exiting Word: 1. Click the File tab, and then click Close. The Start screen and the Open page also display a list of recently used documents which you can quickly open by clicking them. Each document opens in its own window, making it easier to work on two documents at once.
To open a document: 1. Archived from the original on June 25, Archived from the original on April 5, Apple Insider. Archived from the original on October 28, Quirks in the naming of files and folders”. The Eclectic Light Company. Archived from the original on February 26, Retrieved February 26, Macs used to be the only computers that did not need filename extensions January 20, Retrieved July 9, Redmond, WA : Microsoft.
Archived from the original on January 10, Retrieved January 10, And some workarounds “. Joel on Software. May 1, In Bolin, Sherrie ed. Standards Edge: Unifier or Divider? Sheridan Books. SSRN News Center. May 21, III May 21, Archived from the original on July 21, Archived from the original PDF on June 11, Retrieved May 24, Archived from the original on March 18, Retrieved April 5, Archived from the original on July 23, Archived from the original on July 25, Archived from the original on July 22, Archived from the original on March 23, May 4, CNET News.
CBS Interactive. July 5, Archived from the original on February 4, Brian Jones: Office Solutions. Archived from the original on January 18, CNet News. November 8, How-To Geek. Retrieved May 20, Office Support. Retrieved February 4, Retrieved July 1, Archived from the original on May 5, Word , That Is”. Archived from the original on July 8, Sue’s Word Tips. December 14, Retrieved on July 17, Retrieved August 30, Retrieved September 21, Microsoft Blog.
Retrieved July 11, Office What’s free, what’s not, and what you really need”. Archived from the original on 24 July Retrieved 16 July Retrieved 31 October Archived from the original on 7 November Retrieved 1 November Microsoft Office website.
June 22, Is it secure? This helps you to easily apply the same formatting elsewhere. This option must be turned on before you can use the Select Text with Similar Formatting command on the shortcut menu that appears if you right-click selected text. To display a list of the formatting that you used, click the Options command on the Style pane, and then select the Paragraph level formatting , Font formatting , and Bullet and numbering formatting check boxes.
Mark formatting inconsistencies Select this option to mark formatting with a wavy blue underline when it is similar to, but not exactly the same as, other formatting in your documents. To use this option, you must also select the Keep track of formatting check box. Click Add numbering or bullets to all paragraphs with this style to number any paragraphs that have the style applied. Enable click and type Select this option to insert text, graphics, tables, or other items in a blank area of a document by double-clicking in the blank area.
The Click and Type feature automatically inserts paragraphs and applies the alignment necessary to position the item where you double-clicked. This feature is available only in Print Layout view and Web Layout view.
Default paragraph style Select the style that is applied to text when you use click and type. Show AutoComplete suggestions Select this option to see complete AutoText entries when you type the first four characters of the entry. Cursor movement This option specifies the direction in which the cursor moves when you press the arrow keys on your keyboard.
Logical Select this option to move the cursor according to the direction of the text encountered. For example, when you are using the arrow keys to move through Arabic and then English text in the same sentence, the cursor moves from right to left through the Arabic text and then starts at the leftmost character in the English word and progresses from left to right. Visual Select this option to move the cursor to the next visually adjacent character.
For example, when you are using the arrow keys to move from right to left through Arabic and then English text in the same sentence, the arrow key moves from right to left regardless of the direction of the text.
Cursor visual selection This option specifies how text is selected as you extend the selection. Block Select this option to wrap text from line to line as you select downward, with all selected lines being the same width. Continuous Select this option to wrap text from line to line as you select downward and vary the width of the final line of the block. Use sequence checking Select this option to validate whether a newly typed character occurs in the correct sequence to be used as a tone mark, diacritic, or vowel to be placed above, below, in front of, or behind the consonant it goes with.
Type and replace Select this option to replace the previously typed character with the newly typed character if the two characters cannot coexist in the same text cluster.
Asian fonts also apply to Latin text Select this option to change Latin characters to the selected Asian font when you apply the Asian font to selected text.
Clear this check box if you want Latin characters to remain in the Latin font while you apply the Asian font to the rest of the document. Automatically switch keyboard to match language of surrounding text Select this option to change the keyboard language and font based on the language of the text where the cursor is placed.
If you clear this option, only the font is changed. Note: This option is available only if an East Asian language is enabled for editing text and an Input Method Editor for typing East Asian characters is installed.
Clear this check box to stop an IME. Use this dialog box to set or change the text, keyboard, character conversion, and other options for the active IME. Pasting within the same document This option displays the default behavior that occurs when you paste content into the same document from which you copied the content. In the drop-down list, select one of the following:.
Keep Source Formatting Default This option retains character styles and direct formatting that were applied to the copied text. Direct formatting includes characteristics such as font size, italic, or other formatting that is not included in the paragraph style.
Merge Formatting This option discards most of the formatting that was applied directly to the copied text, but it retains formatting that is considered emphasis, such as bold and italic, when it is applied to only a portion of the selection. The text takes on the style characteristics of the paragraph where it is pasted.
The text also takes on any direct formatting or character style properties of text that immediately precedes the cursor when the text is pasted. Keep Text Only This option discards all formatting and nontext elements, such as pictures or tables. The text takes on the style characteristics of the paragraph where it is pasted and takes on any direct formatting or character style properties of text that immediately precedes the cursor when the text is pasted.
Graphical elements are discarded, and tables are converted to a series of paragraphs. Pasting between documents This option displays the default behavior that occurs when you paste content that was copied from another document in Word. Keep Source Formatting Default This option retains formatting that was applied to the copied text. Any style definition that is associated with the copied text is copied to the destination document. Merge Formatting This option discards most formatting that was applied directly to the copied text, but it retains formatting that is considered emphasis, such as bold and italic, when it is applied to only a portion of the selection.
Pasting between documents when style definitions conflict This option displays the default behavior that occurs when you paste content that was copied from another document in Word, and the style that is assigned to the copied text is defined differently in the document where the text is being pasted. Keep Source Formatting This option retains the look of the copied text by assigning the Normal style to the pasted text and applying direct formatting. Direct formatting includes characteristics such as font size, italic, or other formatting to mimic the style definition of the copied text.
Use Destination Styles Default This option retains the style name that is associated with the copied text, but it uses the style definition of the document where the text is being pasted. For example, you copy Heading 1 text from one document to another. In one document, Heading 1 is defined as Arial bold, point, and in the document where you are pasting the text, Heading 1 is defined as Cambria bold, point.
When you use the Use Destination Styles option, the pasted text uses Heading 1 style, Cambria bold, point. Merge Formatting This option discards the style definition and most formatting that was applied directly to the copied text, but it retains formatting that is considered emphasis, such as bold and italic, when it is applied to only a portion of the selection.
The text takes on the style definition in the document where the text is being pasted. Pasting from other programs This option displays the default behavior that occurs when you paste content that was copied from another program. Keep Source Formatting Default This option retains the formatting of the copied text.
The text also takes on any direct formatting characteristics of text that immediately precedes the cursor when the text is pasted. You can insert images inline with text, allow images to move with text, or wrap text around, in front of, or behind an image.
In line with text This option inserts the graphic in a paragraph as if it were text. This option is used by default. The graphic moves as you add or delete text. You can drag the graphic to reposition it the same way that you drag text. Square This option wraps the text around all sides of a square around the graphic.
The graphic does not move as you add or delete text, but you can drag the graphic to reposition it. Tight This option wraps the text around the graphic in an irregular shape around the actual image. Behind text This option inserts the graphic so that the graphic floats on its own layer behind the text. There is no border around the graphic.
In front of text This option inserts the graphic so that the graphic floats on its own layer in front of the text. Through This option wraps the text around the graphic, including filling the space created by a concave shape, such as a crescent moon. Top and bottom This option prevents text from wrapping on the sides of the graphic.
Enhanced microsoft office 2013 word chapter 3 free. Office 2013 Simplified
Using Wine, versions of Microsoft Word before can be run on Linux. Microsoft Word. Microsoft Office Word (–present).svg. Microsoft Word png. The. iii. Abstract. Working with a text as long as a Master’s thesis in a text processor INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT WORD Chapter numbering.